The Golden Wolf

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A long long time ago, there was a pack of wolves living in a forest. Now this forest wasn't any old forest, it was a magical one...

There were of course - wolves,





There was even a dragon deep within a cave in the farthest north of the forest.

But this story is not about a dragon, at least not yet....

Now I mentioned a pack of wolves, and they would do what you would expect of a pack:





Maybe a battle or two who knows?

But within this pack, there was one wolf, one lonely wolf separated from the others.

Why? You may ask... well simply put while the other wolves were brown, black, grey or even white.

This wolf was golden, a pure golden wolf that shined as bright as the sun.

This golden wolf was admired by many residents of the forest,

the phoenixes sang a song that uplifted hearts when he passed,

the proud griffins bowed as he passed,

the unicorns and pegasi would let the wolf approach when no other creature could.

For all the praises, respect and admirers he had, the golden wolf was lonely.... Oh so very lonely, for he was not accepted by his pack.

On one night when the moon was full,

the golden wolf was near the cave of the dragon, yes that dragon! The one living in the farthest north of this magical forest.

The golden wolf raised his head and howled his sorrows to the full moon,

"Is it the way even the proud griffin's bow?

Is it the way the magnificent phoenixes sing?

Or is it as I suspect the colour of my golden fur?"

He howled and howled for what seemed like hours.


A mighty roar came from the cave near the golden wolf....

The very trees and the earth itself shook from this terrifying yet strangely noble sound.

And then, then there was simply silence, just silence...

The golden wolf who had paused his sorrowful howls at the mighty roars, stood on his paws and turned to walk away.

"Do not leave yet little wolf."

A strong noble voice filled the clearing.

"How could I allow you to leave after listening to your howls of sorrow?"

A pause. The golden wolf replied,

"And whom are you to stop me?"

An earth shattering roar, wait no, a groundbreaking laughter that shook the very forest answered,

"Who am I? WHO AM I?!?"

"I am the first of all of my kin, the first dragon, the first being, the lord of this very forest little wolf... that,

that is who i am."

Before the golden wolf could reply,

" While I cannot make your pack accept you, and while I cannot change the colour of your fur..."

"Then what can you do?" cut in the golden wolf.

"I can give you peace, no not eat you! Peace, rest, magical sleep whatever you wish to call it. I can give you this until such a day comes, when there will be more than just the phoenixes and other creatures of this forest that accept you.... You can sleep until such a day comes when your pack little wolf accepts you."

The golden wolf who had been turning to leave, while the dragon talked paused....

A quiet whisper came from him...

"You are true to your words dragon? You do not lie?"


The dragon's noble voice replied.

" I am a dragon little wolf, we may be greedy but there is nothing but truth in our words."

And so the golden wolf turned around and walked into the cave of this dragon, in which he was placed into a deep sleep.

Here you may think the story ends?

Well, as the golden wolf slept, the unicorns and pegasi stopped their care of the forest, the phoenixes stopped singing, the proud griffins were well no longer proud. And the pack which did not accept the golden wolf?

They learnt to accept him,

To miss him,

Care for him,

To love his golden fur that shined as bright as the sun.

And so in the end,

The golden wolf awoke from his deep sleep to find himself among his pack in a field of flowers.

The phoenixes sang a song that uplifted hearts once more,

the proud griffins became proud once more,

the unicorns and pegasi began their care of the forest once more...

And the golden wolf and his pack lived happily ever after.

And the dragon? The dragon watched these happenings from a magical pool of water within his cave...

And he spoke,

" All is as it should be..."

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