(2.13 p.m.) Lisa: No.

I put my phone on silent and threw it on my bed.

"Was it important? You know if it's important you can j-" Jennie started rambling.

"Jennie." I chuckled. I took her hand. "You're important." I said as I stared at our intertwined fingers. I locked eyes with her. "They weren't." I smiled. I said they but I know she didn't know who I meant, I'm glad she didn't ask too.

"Okay." Jennie whispered and smiled. She frowned and finally asked the question I was dreading to hear. "Where is your family?" She asked, probably noticing the empty house. Yeah, I wonder the same thing Camila.

"My mom, brother and sister are out. My dad is at a friends, I think." I said. It was not the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie. She was about to say something but I quickly led her over to my keyboard. We both sat on the bench in front of it and I placed my hands on the keys and started playing.

"What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in and you kicking me out.
Got my head spinning
No kidding
I can't pin you down."

I stopped playing and looked at her. She had a confused expression on her face and I just laughed.

"You said, you couldn't play?" I asked and she shook her head. I didn't even explain but just took her fingers and placed them on the keys mine were on before. I nodded, and she pressed them. The tone filled the room. We went on like that for a while and before I knew it she was playing All Of Me by John Legend. She was a fast learner. I looked on my clock and saw that it took just over an hour, which is very, very good for a beginner.

"You are so talented, babe." did I just.... By the look on Jennie's face, I obviously did. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes widened. So we're mine and she giggled. Oh thank god.

"Thank you very much." She said and smirked. "Babe." She added and we both giggled. She was the cutest person ever, on the whole wide world.

"Let's play a game." She said and I laughed.

"Oh no, is this the part where I die at the end?" I said playfully, referencing to Saw, a horror movie we saw together.

"No, you dork." She giggled heavily and I smiled proudly at the fact that I was the one that made her make laugh. "Would You Rather."

"You start, Jen." I said. She stood up from the bench and sat on bed, and I followed. She thought hard. Her eyebrows were knitted together and her chin was resting on her hands. She lied down as did I. We lied facing each other and I smiled at her.

"Would you rather be as wide as you are tall, or as tall as you are wide?" Jennie finally asked. I laughed loudly throwing my head back, picturing the square I would be. That was honestly disturbingly hilarious. When I was done laughing I looked back at Jennie who was giggling.

"Was it that bad of a question?"

"No, ofcourse not babe." I said. You know I could really get used to this whole 'babe' thing. "It's just very funny to think about." I said. "You know, I'd be as wide as I am tall because, both ways I'd be a square and I'd rather be a big square than a small square." I said and Jennie nodded at my answer.

"Same honestly, good thinking Lis." She complimented. I playfully dusted off my shoulders and she giggled.

"Would you rather eat healthy or exercise regularly." I asked. She thought for a while.

"I'd rather exercise regularly, because if I eat healthy all I hear is: give up pizza. Honestly, I know that that is not going to happen." She laughed.

"This is so true." I agreed. "Although, I don't see a reason why you'd need to exercise regularly, I mean, you look great." I said confidently. Jennie's cheek went flushed for the 100th time today and I smiled proudly. She mumbled a 'thank you.' And hid her face from me. I took her chin in my hands and made her face me, softly.

"Jennie, I really like you.." I said. It took a lot of courage, but I did it.

"I like you a lot too, Lisa." She smiled. My heart leaped. I finally had the answer to the question I have been asking myself for a week. She liked me too. She scooted closer to me and she rested her head on my chest as I laid on my back. I swung one arm around her, pulling her closer, and held her hand with my other hand.

"Would you rather have 1 wish granted today or 3 wishes granted 5 years from now?" She said after a moment of silence. I didn't have to think hard for this one.

"I would rather have 3 wishes granted in 5 years, because the only thing I really want now, is right here, in my arms." She smiled, planting a kiss on my cheeks. And I smiled. I could stay like this forever. With her in my arms, her breath hitting my neck, the vibrations of her laughter as well. Her hair sprawled over my chest as she listens to my heart race.
Yeah I wouldn't mind that.

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