Chapter 1: That quiet looking kid

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You were in a room that a bed and nothing else in it and you were confused on how you got there.

You heard the sound of footsteps coming near the door and when it opened you saw Takumi walk in with a tray of food.

"Oh good you're awake." He says while walking over to the bed.

He put the tray down on the bed and helped you sit up before he fed you.

Why am I tied up and being fed right now? Wasn't I just at the store...and now I'm here...?

"Why am I here in this room?" You asked but he quietly kept feeding you.

When you were done eating and had something to drink, you decided to ask him another question hoping this time he wouldn't ignore it.

"Can you remove the ropes? It's uncomfortable." You asked.

"No." said Takumi while standing up.

You looked around the room but there was really nothing to look at since it was empty.

"Are we in your house?" You asked him.

"Yes this is my house and right now your here in my guest room." Takumi told you.

I still don't understand why am I here and how did I get here?

"Okay well..I'm sorry but I can't stay so can you please untie me now? I have to go because my friend will be worried." You say as you watch him walk towards the door.

"It's okay don't worry that won't happen," he said before turning around, "Your friend Mei thinks you went to go visit your parents."

Huh!? Why the hell would she think that, how would she even know?

Just before you could ask him another question, Takumi left the room.

This is just crazy! I didn't even get the chance to ask him how I got here.

You took a deep breath and sighed while moving your arms around to try and get the rope off yourself but you gave up after awhile and just sat there on the bed.

Is he gonna come back soon or..? I mean I hope he does because I really want him to untie me!

You sat there pouting before you looked over to your right and saw that there was a window next to you.

It's already dark outside!? what! oh my god what time is it!? ugh instead of worrying about the time I should probably actually think of how I even got here.

You layed down on your side and started thinking to yourself about what happened before.

It was the coffee! he must've put something in my coffee before giving it to me...

While you were laying down thinking, you heard footsteps right outside the door before it opened.   You sat up right away as soon as he walked in with a big bag.

"You....what the hell did you put in my coffee that you gave me earlier today?!" You asked.

"You don't need to know." Takumi said.

He put the bag down next to the bed and said, "I brought you some clothes from your apartment."

Huh? He did what..!?

"My apartment...? wait how do you know where I live?" You asked waiting for a response.

Takumi looked up at you and responded with a smile, "I know everything."

What the hell is that suppose to mean? How can a quiet person like him possibly know everything about me? I've never spoken to him during High School so how could he know?

"You must be really tired," he said, "go ahead and get some sleep."

You sat there on the bed staring at the door after watching him leave.

I can't believe this is happening right now...there has to be a way out...I can't stay here! I have to figure out a way to leave.

You started moving your arms around again trying to get the rope off even though it hurt you didn't stop trying until you got tired.

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