Chapter 3

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*Skipping forward to the year 2014, Winter Soldier year* After years of torture, you no longer remember being saved, you were found and brought back to Hydra. They ran more tests, just like in your dream, you were reliving that dream, you dreamt of the future if you went with Captain America and Bucky to defeat Hydra, only you don't remember either of them. Two men strap you to a chair, put a mouthguard in your mouth, they start the machine up, you scream in pain. After 2 hours they throw you in the cell you grew up in, they leave the room, you move over to the corner of the cell, you can hear the two men talking about something but you don't know what, you hear a few words but it doesn't make sense. All you get is that you and some other guy are leaving the base for something but you don't know what. You pass out from the pain after a while, when you wake up you are chained up in a moving vehicle, you can't speak, something is preventing you from speaking, so you look around and see a man with long hair, he's awake, looking down. His hair looks greasy, he hasn't showered like you, his eyes are a beautiful shade of blue. The vehicle stops, the doors open and the men take you and the other man out, they walk you inside a house and sit you down on a chair in front of a man with glasses. "Nice to see you again, this time outside of the base, what do you think of the world?" You look at the man slightly confused, you recognize him from the base, he would be there sometimes while they put you in the machine, why does he want to know what you think of the world, weird question to ask someone. "Not much of a talker it seems, that's fine, I have a mission for you, we are starting up project insight and we need you and the other guy to help make sure it works by killing some people who will get in our way. One of the people we need you to kill is named Nick Fury." You nod, the men take you away and bring the other guy to the chair you sat down in so he can get the same information. The men walk you to back to the vehicle, you get in, short while later the other man gets in the vehicle and sits across from you, the vehicle starts up and drives. You are taken to an underground base to prep for your mission. The next day you stay in the base while the other guy leaves, they have something planned for you so you stay to prep for it. Hours later the other guy comes back in with the rest of the men, they tell you Nick Fury got away, you have to help kill Nick this time, they give you the keys to the vehicle and an address to go to, you and the other guy leave the building and head for the car, you get in the driver's seat while he gets in the passenger seat, you start driving while looking ahead. When you get to the address, he gets out while you wait. He jumps from the building onto the vehicle, hops in, you drive away with him. You get to the base, he tells them what happened and that Nick is sure to die. The next day you get a new mission, to kill three more people and tie up any loose ends. You sit in the vehicle with the guy waiting for your time to strike, you tighten your mask to make sure it stays on. You look over at the guy, you can tell he is looking at you. The man in the passenger seat nods at the man in front of you, giving him the sign to get out and see which car to jump onto, after seeing which car, he jumps out, jumps onto the car, grabs a man from inside the car, throws him into an incoming truck, then begins to shoot the car trying to kill someone or wound them, the car pulls to a stop causing him to go flying off, he lands in the street, his metal fingers grabbing the street, he gets up and stares at the people in the car. The car I am in hits them, causing them to move forward, moving them, the man then jumps onto the car, his feet break the back window, then he grabs the steering wheel right from the driver, the car starts to move in all sorts of ways, he jumps onto the car I'm in, staying on the hood, we hit the car in front of us causing it to crash against the barricade. Next thing I see is this man on a shield on the door with a fiery redhead and a man in a green shirt and blue jeans. They slide on the car door against the street, we drive past them, slow to a stop. The guy jumps off the hood of the car and starts to walk towards the three people, I hop out and hand him a gun to finish the job, I go back in the car to get myself a gun to assist him. He shoots a missile at the people, the man with the shield pushes the redhead out of the way, the missile hits his shield causing him to fall off the bridge we are on. I began shooting my gun with the rest of the men to try and kill the redhead and the green shirt guy who are still on the bridge. The redhead shoots her gun, then jumps into oncoming traffic on the other side, real dumb move I gotta say, she could have got hit by a car meaning less work for us but still, means we didn't kill her, I continue firing at the redhead, I see her jump over the bridge. The man with the metal arm decides to go for the shield guy, I had him over the spare gun I brought, he goes to the edge of the bridge, looking out for the man with the shield. He gets shot in the glasses, he leans onto the edge, taking the glasses off, he doesn't look very happy, guess the redhead survived the fall from the bridge somehow, she wont be so lucky next time. I get up and start shooting after he does, then I hear him speak. "I have her. Find him" I nod and start to look out for the man with the shield, he jumps off the bridge, landing on the car below and walking towards the redhead. I jump down with him and the other men, we start to look for the guy with the shield, we shoot at the bus that had crashed, assuming he was in there. Somehow he made it out alive, grabbed his shield and was able to deflect our bullets, we kept firing anyway. I then hear screaming, I turn around and see one of our men died by the green shirt guy's hand, I run out of the way to make sure he doesn't shoot me, when I turn around the man on the car gets taken down by the shield guy. I begin firing at him, he comes running at me, knocking me out with his shield.

Sorry this chapter is so long, I wasn't sure if I would be able to fit the whole movie in one chapter, then I started to get tired haha, going to work on Chapter 4 when I can, I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 3, please share this with your friends, get the word out that another Buckyxreader fanfiction has come out, I look forward to hearing from you guys!! Make sure to comment what you think, and yes I am rewatching the Captain America movies as research for this haha, thank you for reading!!!!

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