Chapter 7- the Note

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     Today at school I asked Koichi if he knew anything about Rohan. Of course, Koichi being the nice and innocent person he is, asked why I needed information, but I just lied and told him we met one day and I want to know were he lives. " where he lives?! Y/N, don't you think that's a little.. erm... strange? " I shook my head, and then I explained the real reason why. After school, Once Koichi understood, he gave me his address in a piece of paper and I set a note on the steps of Rohan's house. Here is what the note read.

Dear Rohan,

   I know this might be a little random, but I would like you to meat me in the plaza by the fountain. Their is something I need to tell you, not love related, just something about the way we met.

- Y/N  

As I slipped the note under his door, Okuyasu and Josuke came up to me, and they both leaned over at me, peppering me with questions about what the note said and things like " Oi, do you have a crush on Rohan? That big annoyance? " or " Y/N, you could've told us you wanted to be friends with Rohan- sensei. " I kept dodging their questions by attempting to change the subject, but I always ended up failing and we ended up talking about it the whole walk home.

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