Poe's face creased in concentration. "Not that I know of."

You sighed and took a sip of your latte. Poe studied you from across the desk, twirling the straw with his finger. "Why do you ask?"

"Complicated but someone mentioned her name a while ago and I never found out who she was," you explained. "And I'm a nosy bitch so I want to find out who it is."

"Fair enough," Poe said.

It shouldn't be hard to find out who she was. Zena wasn't a common name as far as you knew. And odds are, she had something to do with real estate developemtnr, architecture, or design if shed attended the gala. Maybe even engineering. After all, the world desperately needed more women in STEM.

Sure enough, you found the woman you were looking for after a couple of different searches. Her full name was Zena Torr, owner and founder of Zena Torr Interiors, a major design firm in the city.

That certainly explained why she was invited to the gala. Odds are, her company has worked with the First Order on a lot of projects.

"You made that weird noise," Poe said. "Did you find it?"

"Yep." You turned the computer screen as Poe leaned over to take a look. "Zena Torr Interiors."

Poe's eyes scanned the screen for a moment before a smile broke out on his face. "Should've called it Interior Torr. Or like Interi-Torr."

He grinned like an idiot, you glared at him.

"If you keep saying shit like that I'm not even going to have to steal your husband," you taunted. "He's just going to leave your ass."

"No way, I have him way to whipped," Poe said with a laugh. "Trust me, he - what the hell is that?"

You pulled your eyes away from your screen to look at him. "What the hell is what?"

He pointed at you. "Oh, just the huge hickey on your neck."

Your eyes widened in horror and you reached for your bag, digging around for your compact mirror. And sure enough, you looked in the mirror to see the red mark that was no longer covered by concealer.

"Son of a bitch."

You fidgeted with your hair, sweeping it to one side to try and conceal the evidence. The office had a casual dress code but blatantly displayed hickeys was too far. Luckily, you were able to decently conceal the red mark with your hair.

"You're the bitch for not telling me you hooked up with someone," Poe said. "Who is this guy?"

As far as Poe knew, you hadn't seen or spoken to Kylo since the night of Finn's gala. He didn't know that Kylo had fucked you on the bathroom counter at said gala, but that was besides the point.

Poe was completely oblivious to the fact that you had more than just spoken to Kylo since that night. He had no idea about what happened at the gala or in Kylo's office or that drunken Friday or what occurred at your place just this past Friday night that left you with this red mark on your neck.

"Oh, just this guy in my building."

You were in too deep now. If Poe knew how much you'd kept from him, he just might spontaneously combust.

"Well that sounds interesting." Poe gave you a smile dripping in even more sarcasm than his words. "Was he good?"

You reached for you drink. "Yeah, great in bed," you replied. "Ten out of ten, would recommend to a friend."

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