Chapter 8

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We had finished the movie and were sitting in a weird silence. I wouldn't have called it awkward, but it kinda was...

"Uh, do you have plans for the rest of the day?" Aidan asked breaking the silent cloud that covered us. I smiled, I knew that this was his way of asking me to hang out

"No I do not. What were you planning?" I flashed him a huge smile, secretly hoping that I could tell him how I felt.

"Do you wanna just stay here and hang out, like watch movies, maybe go live later?" I noticed that as he spoke, he nervously played with the end of his t shirt, making my brain explore the possibility that he liked me back. "Stupid brain, of course he doesn't, he's literally famous and I'm a nobody!"  I thought angrily. I nodded at him, the idea of cuddling while watching movies crossed my mind, and I had decided. I was going to tell Aidan how I felt, there was no point keeping it bottled up.

Aidan's POV

I couldn't stop the thoughts of how beautiful y/n looked as she studied my face.

"Do you wanna just stay here and hang out, like watch movies, maybe go live later?" I watched as her face lit up, but then it slightly dropped. I was worried that she didn't share my feelings, that would suck, considering I wanted to tell her how I felt that day.

Your POV again

We had decided to watch a few episodes of the Umbrella Academy, to be nostalgic of when my obsession with Aidan  started.

"You thought I was hot back then!??" I had been rambling the whole time about how 15 year old me would be so jealous of current me right now, hanging out with her biggest celebrity crush like it was nothing.

"Yes! You were better looking than half the boys at my school! And 5 was bloody awesome!" I giggled as I examined how perfect he looked, how lucky I was to be in such an amazing person's presence.

"Well, I saw that one photo of you when you were 15, and if only I had met you back then, we could be married by now!" He joked and I felt my face redden. "You are very much my type." At this point I was convinced I was turning into Bob the tomato 👁👁 Aidan freaking Gallagher just said that I was his type 👁👄👁😭😳

"Are you flirting with me right now?" I asked while laughing to play it off as a joke, but Aidan looked at me with seriousness in his eyes.

"I guess, I wasn't lying. I really like you y/n" Do my ears deceive me ??? Or did THE Aidan Gallagher just confess to liking me ??? 👁👄👁 I didn't believe what I had heard, so I sat there with my mouth lightly open, just staring at him, blinking every couple of seconds.

"I totally understand if you don't feel the same, we have't really known each other that long and I understand if you feel like i'm rushing things it's just-" I cut him off by holding my finger up.

"I like you too Aidan." I smiled at him before noticing him moving his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes and the distance between us, our lips crashing together. It felt as if nothing else in the world mattered at that moment, only Aidan and I's affection, it felt as if fireworks had been set off in my heart.

Authors Note

Thank you so so so so much for reading !! I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit bad, I haven't really had motivation to write recently :( So I'm also sorry If I don't upload daily chapters, I'll try though !!!! I love you guys lots, and I really hope you're enjoying my story so far !!🥺️💞💞💞

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