Chapter Six

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Before this chapter starts I just wanted to quickly say OMG THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 READS👁👄👁 THANK YOU SOO MUCH OMG YGHUIGYDIUE I LOVE YALL BYE ENJOY THE CHAPTER!😭

We sat down at the table John showed us to and grabbed a menu each and quickly read over it, John hovered around, knowing that we would order soon.

"Regular for me." Aidan chuckled and looked to me "y/n what are you going to order?" We made eye contact and ohhh my goodness his eyes are easy to get lost in... I snapped out of it when I realised I needed to order.

"Oh! Sorry, umm, I'll have the (whatever you want haha) please :)" I smiled up at John's kind face, as he wrote it down.

"It'll be ready in a bit guys." John then left to make the food, leaving us to talk.

"So, y/n, what do you like to do in your free time?" -I literally don't know what to make them talk about ahfuuihfe sorry-

"Uhh I like to draw, write and I do a bit of singing too ahaha." I awkwardly said, I really hate small talk, and lemme just say....small talk with your celebrity crush is NOT IT !

"That's really cool! As you know, I enjoy singing too,,, maybe we could sing together sometime" He smiled at me, but my brain took a while to process,, Aidan Gallagher,, my celebrity crush,,, who I am now friends with,, wants to sing,, with me!? OSFHU literally all my dreams were coming true "who needs fan-fiction when your life is one 😉"

"yesyesyes!" I replied because um you'd have to be literally INSANE to decline that offer 😃

"Well, I look forward to that then :]" He smiled his classic momo smile that I loved.

After a little while longer of talking, the food finally arrived, and holy heck it looked yum!

When we had both finished eating, we stayed there for a while longer to chat, when Aidan's song Fourth of July came on the radio (lets just pretend this song came out somewhat recently in their world k?) I saw his face light up with recognition, so I laughed and stood up to dance

"Memories made in the time that we had Memories fade, but the best ones will last time moves on, I keep lookin' back At all that we had" I started to sing the lyrics while Aidan just watched me, amused, a smile contaminating his face. "Aidan, dance with me!!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up to dance to his song, and when the chorus played we yelled-sang the lyrics while dancing around like idiots.

"Kiss me like it was the fourth of July, fireworks froze like stars in the sky, I'll always remember the fourth of July, the look in your eyes." We sang and danced, the only thing mattering in that moment was the giggles and stupid dancing were were putting out.

Finally the song ended, and we started laughing like crazy people while we payed, and headed back home. While we were walking Aidan asked.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" I looked at him with a confused expression, it was quite obvious I don't have a life here just yet. "Well, if you want we could go back to mine and watch a movie or something?" He offered.
"Yeah! That sounds fun! sounds better than sitting in my house all alone, haha" We continued walking to his house and plopped onto his couch.

"What should we watch?" I asked, but he shrugged letting me know that it was my choice. "Alright, Twilight it is!" I smirked evilly at him, and he looked back with a questioning face. "Whatt, it's nostalgic! I haven't seen it in ages!" I laughed as I put it on.

Halfway through the movie, my phone started ringing, it was y/bff/n. I picked up the call and put her on speakerphone, but before I even had the chance to warn her that she was on speaker with Aidan in the room she started screaming into the phone


"English please y/bff/n" I could partially make out hat they were saying, someting about Aidan's Instagram story and him being hot.

"Sorry, I just thought you should check Aidan's recent Instagram story, he's at some restaurant and he just looks so damn FINE" they rambled while I laughed. "what!? What's funny y/n!?"

"I was going to warn you that you're on speakerphone right now,,, while i'm sitting in Aidan's living room,,, with him." The phone suddenly went dead silent "Y/bff/n?"

"WHAT!!!?" They screeched through the phone, making me flinch and move it away from me. "So he just heard all that,,huh?" I laughed

"Yes. Would you like to say hello?" I held the phone out to Aidan who grabbed it.

"Hi y/bff/n, it's aidan, nice to meet you." He laughed into the phone as a squeal escaped from y/bff/n's mouth

"Hey, I'm gonna take y/bff/n into another room to catch up real quick." Aidan smiled and nodded as I turned speakerphone off.

"Y/N! What is going on there!??? You need to tell me EVERYTHING girly!!👁👁" I laughed and told them all about last night and lunch, y/bff/n piping in every few seconds with a giggle, squeal, and a few "Im jealous"es.

"You like him y/n!!!!" Y/bff/n finally spoke up when I was finished telling them all the stories of the past night and day.

"Ummm yeah? He's my celebrity crush...?" I knew what she meant but no,,, he was just a friend!

"NO Y/N I MEAN LIKE LIKE!!" I heard them scream into the phone, I turned as red as a tomato.

"NO I DO NOT! I DON"T LIKE HIM! HONESTLY Y/BFF/N" I heard them sigh through the phone and hang up.....they really hung up on me,,,,huh?👁👄👁

Aidan's POV

I didn't want to eavesdrop, but y/n was talking really loud on the phone, so I admit, I did listen a bit...I was curios!

"Ummm yeah? He's my celebrity crush...?" I could only hear y/n's half of the conversation, but could tell that they were talking about me. "How cute, I'm her celebrity crush🥺️" I kept listening, and for some weird reason what she said next made it feel like a dagger had been shoved into my heart.

"NO I DO NOT! I DON"T LIKE HIM! HONESTLY Y/BFF/N" I don't know why it hurt so much, all I know is that it shouldn't have though because she is just my friend...

Your POV Again aha

I left the room after y/bff/n hung up on me, to go back to the movie with Aidan.

"Sorry about that aha, we can finish the movie now if you want?" I sat down next to him, he didn't even look at me while I spoke, which was weird because he always looked at me when I talked.

"Yeah, whatever." He didn't even look over when he said that, he just looked straight at the tv and pressed play.

We sat in silence for the rest of the movie, and when it finished he just got up from the couch and went to unlock the front door.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I walked behind him, wondering what was going on in that head of his.

"I'm just tired." He gave me a weak smile, at least I knew what was bothering him now.

"Okay then, make sure to get some sleep tonight Aidan, bye bye" I waved at him as I left, and he waved back.

"How weird..." I thought as I unlocked my front door.


This chapter is one of the longest I've written so far ahaha, as always I hope you enjoyed, and feel free to leave any suggestions!! I had my sister give me some ideas for this chapter so thank youuu!!


What did you guys do/what do you guys plan to do for Halloween this year? I know in some places it's hard to celebrate because of Corona, but I'm dressing up as an elf and have a movie night with my friends and watch lots of scary movies!!

Okayy bye guys, thank you so much for reading!!


Electric LaUv💞 Aidan Gallagher X Reader !!wholesome!!Where stories live. Discover now