
"Aish," Yuqi chuckled. "These love birds. How about our managers then?"

"I'd like to hide her from them.. I just want you girls to know about us at least. I don't want anyone else to find out, because it would only put Abby in danger."

Yuqi jokingly elbowed me. "She's sweet, isn't she?"

I looked back at her and smiled. "Y-Yes, she is."

I still can't believe that everybody in (G)I-DLE knows about Minnie and I now. It's really official..

After the long morning, all of us decided to head back inside the house. The girls were exhausted as they settled in the living room, drinking lemonades and listening to music.

But the music was cut by Yuqi suddenly standing in the middle with her microphone. "Everyone! Have you forgotten about our deal?"

"What deal?" Soojin asked.

"The person who has the least points will be buying our snacks for the whole week!"

"Woohoo!" Shuhua excitedly said. "So who lost?"

"Well according to the scores on our group chat, both Miyeon Unnie and Soyeon Unnie have a score of negative one."

"Tsk, cheater," Soyeon murmured to herself but we all still kind of heard it.

"Excuse me?" Yuqi looked at her in disbelief. "That's just how it is because you never won any round!"

Soyeon just gave her a silly look.

"What should we do then? Since there are two of them?" Shuhua asked.

"Well why not just let both of them buy the snacks?" Minnie jokingly suggested.

Shuhua's eyes brightened up instantly. "We could do that! It means more snacks for us--"

"Yah!" Miyeon cut her off. "Don't be too greedy, at least give us a chance to save ourselves!"

"Wait, I got an idea!" Yuqi said. "Since Abby Unnie won the game with two points, why don't we let her decide who she wants to save between them?"

"Huh?!" I surprisedly looked at them.

No way..

"That's right! Abby Unnie, why don't you pick one now?" Shuhua added.

I started panicking. "But how am I supposed to do that?!"

It's either Soyeon or Miyeon.

"Hey come on, even I think that it's too mean!" Minnie said in my defense. Thank God I have this girl. "Don't make Abby pick between them."

"Fine," Yuqi sighed. "Then how about you just decide on how we're going to pick the loser, Abby Unnie?"

I started thinking hard and there was only one thing that came right off my mind. "For it to be fair, I think we should just have another game for the two of them."

"Like a bonus game, huh?" Soyeon asked. "Well what game do you want?"

"How about a round of never have I ever?" I replied. I've always seen other people playing this online, but I have yet to see it in front of my eyes.

"Oh that seems fun!" Yuqi excitedly said. "Everyone knows the game right?"

Miyeon immediately waved her hand in the air. "Wait, I don't!"

"Oh," Yuqi then paused and took the time to explain. "The rules are simple. You just have to raise your fingers and put down one for every time that Soyeon Unnie says a fact about you. People usually use ten fingers in this game, but since there are only two of you I think we should just use five."

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