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"My life has been a living hell ever since we left for the United States," Yuqi said in a low voice as she finished telling her story.

The rest of the members of (G)I-dle are currently watching the two of us as we spoke to each other. We were all sitting in their living room, with Yuqi by my side. Miyeon also assured me that she would take me out of their apartment immediately once I started to feel uncomfortable with the conversation.

It's been a long time since I've met up with all of them. I initially came here because Miyeon insisted that we meet and talk with each other, before going to the Golden Disc Awards in the evening. And honestly, I had this small part inside of me that still kept hoping that I would be able to forgive them completely. I've lashed out on them and treated them badly for several months now, because I was hurting the whole time. But I believe that today is another chance for me to move forward and heal.

For the past few hours, both Soyeon and Yuqi have been filling me out with the important details about the accident that happened more than a year ago. I still couldn't process everything, but I finally saw the sequence of events in a more comprehensive way. It surprised me how the whole situation messed up their mental health and even managed to break some of the strongest relationships in the group. Although I knew deep inside that Mr. Hong and their managers had something to do with it over the time that I reflected on what happened and why they left me, hearing the whole thing directly from them gave me enough assurance that they didn't just leave to abandon me on purpose.

I wanted to comfort Yuqi, as I saw her hands trembling so much. It was obvious that she was having flashbacks as she told me everything, but my hands were hesitating a lot and I couldn't move so I just ended up staring at her.

Meanwhile, Soyeon earlier was able to hold out more than her. She seemed to be fine as she told me her side of the story. Whether she was simply faking it or not, she managed to stay composed the whole time. One thing that I noticed is that the two of them are still not on good terms. They barely interacted with each other and whenever they did, it was visibly cold and distant.

They were never the same since the accident happened.

"Maybe someday Abby Unnie.." Yuqi continued speaking as she tried to look me in the eye for a second. "You'd find forgiveness in your heart for what I've done. I know that I can never take back what happened, but I regret it more than anything in this world."

My heart sank as I saw her state. Knowing that she never enjoyed a single day in her life since the accident, I couldn't help but open my heart for her even just for a bit.

I nodded as I answered her. "I forgive you.. But it's still going to take a lot of time for us to be the same again."

Tears started pouring out from her eyes as I saw her face light up for the first time. "I-I understand! Thank you so much, Abby Unnie.."

I noticed how the rest of the girls were relieved as well. Not only them, but I could finally start breathing as if I could put a lot of my trauma behind me starting from now on. At that moment, I made eye-contact with Soyeon. She seemed embarrassed and tried to avoid me, but I decided to walk towards her.

"You too.." I said to her. "Soyeon-ah."

She was surprised by my actions, but it didn't take long for her to respond. "Abby.." She seemed worried for the most part. "We're not forcing you to take us back and forgive us, okay? The girls and I prioritize your peace more than our own now. And we're only going to be happy once you're comfortable enough for this."

I nodded and gave her the assurance that I wasn't feeling forced and it was my own decision to make. And after she got that response, she suddenly started crying and soon laughed as she realized that she failed to keep a strong image and control her feelings in front of everyone.

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