"What in the name of the ancients took you guys so long?" She demanded an answer.

"Hey, Cas, sorry we're late. I had to drag little brother here out of his cave." I said, sticking my thumb towards Yorak.

"Do you really have to call me that, Ash?" He whined behind me.

"Whatever, little brother. Let's get going." I said and the three of us walked into the library.

The library was huge and more high tech since the Holt family upgraded everything on Earth. All books and video were digitized and stored in separate tablets on the shelves. To search for a specific topic, you had to go the central networking system in the center of the library, type in the topic or book you want and then, your keycard, which you get when you sign up for full membership, scans the data from the tablets.

The three of us walked over to the center of the library, the group we were assigned to work with already surrounding the central computer.

It was a bunch of our friends from the Garrison Academy. It was a private school specially designed for future astroexplorers, but there was also a separate section of the school for general studies and industrial studies.

All of us were in the astroexplorer courses, some of us were taking other classes, so we didn't see each other all the time.

"Well, it's about time!" One of the boys said, annoyed by our tardiness.

"What's with the attitude? We're, like, one minute late." Yorak complained as we got closer.

"Whatever you emo weirdo, Yorak. You probably got stuck in that depressing nightcore crap again."

My brother growled and began to get closer to our friend, but I stopped him.

"Calm down, Yorak. Your eyes are gonna change again." I said, calming my brother down a little. Not everyone liked the fact that Yorak's eyes changed when he got mad. The whites in his eyes turn yellow and his purple eyes get sharper. He got it from Grandpa.

"Well, let's tone down the anger for a little bit and enjoy a study snack before we look up the project." Allison asked. We turned to Allison, her bright smile calming all of us down as she held out a tin box filled with snacks.

Allison Garrett, my best friend and the main snack chef of our little group. She was shorter than all of us but she had a bigger heart than any of us. Her brown hair was always tied in a fluffy bun and her ears were pieced three times on each ear, two studs and a cuff around the top.

Immediately, we began digging into the snacks she made. Mostly Allison made sweets, but for bigger meals, she made the lost amazing food.

"Thanks a lot, Allie." Hiro said as he stuffed his face with a cookie.

Hiro was a year older than us, but he acted like a little kid most of the time. He looked like a human, but his eyes were an unnatural green color, so we figured he was some sort of alien. We don't know. According to his parents, he was adopted before his baby sister was born.

Cassie was a little more distant from the group, but we all had fun with her. Her full name was Cassandra, but that was mouthful so we called her Cassie. She had honey brown colored hair with white streaks in it, and dark blue eyes. Her eyes were a little weak, so she always carried a pair of reading glasses clipped on her shirt at all times. Fun fact, she was actually related to me and Yorak. Her grandfather is our great uncle.

Finally, the last member of our little group, was Caros. He had pure white hair from his Grandmother's side of the family. His blue eyes had small hints of pink, but he didn't mind the girly color. He was actually proud that he took after his Grandmother and mom. He saw it that it was a sign of his heritage, something he took to heart.

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