New Neighbor

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Making your way back home from work, you felt exhausted. Everything in your life was going like shit and you were just about ready to give up on your dreams and work like a damn slave the rest of your life. You had studied gastronomy in quite a prestigious university, yet you still hadn't been able to get enough money to open a restaurant of your own.

It was your fault, though. You had the skill, everyone loved your food and at the University you had been the best student, but you never mobilized yourself through ranks, you didn't make yourself known, and here you were. A complete an utter failure, or at least that's what you felt. At least you managed to make a good amount of money for yourself, but it still wasn't enough.

Today you finished work at 00:00 due to the late hours the restaurant you worked at was open. It was a pretty elegant place, but it wasn't yours, and you wanted a restaurant of your own. You dreamed with having an elegant place to serve people at. You had designed food and desserts sophisticatedly plated and deliciously prepared as to please every single costumer. For years you had felt like you had something going, you were able to mix art and gastronomy into your plates and had been praised by many big cooks, but as time went by, you finally got stuck.

Opening the door of your apartment with a long sigh, you noticed that the door of your neighboring apartment no longer had the sign that announced passerbys it was for sale.

I just hope they aren't like Mr. King.

Mr. King had been your old neighbor and one of the weirdest people you had ever met. He looked like he was on crack the whole time and his tiny little booger of a kid liked punching people out of the blue. "Mr. King" was the way he forced people to call him, probably thinking he was some kind of teacher or whatever. They actually had to be evicted from the apartment complex because of the constant inconveniences they caused the rest of the neighbors.

While going into your place, you gasped as a head suddenly poked out from your kitchen to look at you.

"Jesus christ Nami! You gave me a heart attack!" You screeched, holding a hand to your rapidly beating heart. Nami giggled.


"What are you doing here?" Nami was one of your best friends, and she had the custom of coming over unannounced to just hang with you.

"I'm here too." A second voice said as Robin peeked out from your kitchen, just like Nami had.

You chuckled at them, finding joy in seeing your friends after a hard day.

"We just wanted to come over." Pouted Nami, feeling unwelcome by you.

"What are you doing in the kitchen anyways?" They normally liked to relax in your balcony, where you had some very comfy couches and a little fire pit in the middle for the chilly days.

"Come here!" You frowned and made your way over to the kitchen, feeling the smell of chocolate invade your lungs. "We wanted to surprise you with some sweets, but- uhm, well, we need your help with the recipe."

Feeling a sense of warmth invade your body you threw yourself over your friends, finding them adorable for the fact that they had come over to cook for you. It was 00:30, so they probably expected to have a sleepover or something.

"Thank you." You said softly, voice muffled against them.

"Of course!"

"By the way did you check out your hot new neighbor?" Asked Nami with excitement.

"What?! He's here already?"

"Yeah, a tall blonde guy. He has a kid though, such a pity." Mumbled Nami.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now