A loud pop of her arm was heard in the process. She was able to leave the ring with only Razor standing inside of it as he faced the three males with a grin.

"Ow!" Killua's cries of pain echoed throughout the gym. Aurora had to pop back in place all of his messed up fingers and clean them up. Usually these things weren't too painful for him .. had he injured them in his own way. It was over and Gon had won with the help of Hisoka and Killua. He was over in the distance having a discussion with Razor while Aurora wrapped the boy's hands. Extremely tight. "Honestly, you were so reckless! Your hands are a total mess! Hey, are you listening?!" Biscuit shouted at him.

"Sit still before I freeze your arse!" Aurora barked at him, causing him to stiffen as he saluted at her with his already bandaged right hand. She wasn't kidding when she said back at Heaven's Arena that Killua would get it worse than Gon.

The two boys sat on their knees as Aurora's ferocious figure stood towering above them. They stared to the ground, avoiding her fiery gaze. "What do you two have to say?" Biscuit asked with a chuckle. They were scared. Very, very scared. The girl's aura reflected her mood, ice cold yet its fiery burned through the oxygen in the air.

"We're sorry ..." The two boys moped in unison. A hand fan appeared in the girl's hand as she smacked the two boys over the head harshly with no remorse. "Ouch." They mumbled.

Expecting to get hit again, they didn't. Instead, a hand made its way on top of their heads as Aurora fell in the middle of the two boys, hugging them tightly. "Aurora ..." Killua began. They were confused. This wasn't how they expected it to turn out as they returned her hug. Biscuit stared at the trio warmly.

"We're really sorry." They apologized again. The touching moment was short lived as she began strangling them. They tapped her arm, signalling her to let go, but she was still furious. "Can't ... Breathe!"

She released both of them as she stood up again. "Seriously. You two always have me worried and for what? If you're going to make a plan, do one that has the least amount of injuries! I'm pretty sure you two have already broken every single bone in your body already! What makes you two so reckless?

You have one body and one only! Not all of your bones end up being cleanly broken and not all of them heal back stronger. This is why im convinced that you two will die before fifty like a bunch of morons!" Aurora kept going on and on but stopped as Killua pulled her into a hug. 

Gon laughed as he placed a hand on her head. "We'll be more careful." Gon assured, but she didn't know how much she could trust that considering he had broken one of their promises already. "Yeah. If we aren't, Aurora might just end up crying the next time. We have to be extra careful Gon." Killua said jokingly as he tightened his grip on the girl.

"No fair ... You two realize that i'm not going to forgive you right?" She moped at them. The two boys looked at each other with a soft grin. "We know." They chorused.

As they obtained Patch of the Shore, Hisoka made his leave as Killua suggested for him to join them in which he replied : "I'm not interested in collecting cards. Should anything come up, use Contact to reach me. I'll use Accompany or Magnetic Force to come at once." Aurora thought that was pretty nice until Killua shouted.

"That liar! We haven't used Magnetic Force once since Hisoka joined right?" He asked the two as they nodded. "That means that he already knew about spell cards before running into us!" The girl cocked her head at him. "You didn't know?"

"Hisoka isn't a fool. He wouldn't have entered the game without learning how to play it. He's not going to let himself get killed right off the bat and so easily at that. We've been in this game for months. He's definitely been doing something, learning how the game works is probably one of the things." Aurora said with a shrug. It was simple Hisoka-like common sense.

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