Camp Counselors in Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Sounds great, boss!"

I stuck my tongue out at her and hopped in the van, starting it up and blasting our favorite radio station. We drove the van a lot, oftentimes going into the city to pick up and drop off groups of kids. Occasionally we had trips together, which were super fun, because we'd spend the whole time singing and dancing with the kids, even though most of the music was in Spanish and my Spanish singing is worse than my English singing!

This night wasn't any different... well, I suppose the difference was that there weren't any kids in our care, but either way, we sang and danced our hearts out, trying to serenade each other and failing miserably.

The bar was packed. It was almost impossible to find a parking spot and Elena insisted on something in the back where no one could see the camp logo on the side of the van. I finally managed to squeeze in somewhere safe enough, eyeing my friend for her approval.

"Looks good, boss," she teased.

"Let's get our drink on then!" I said, giving her a high five and jumping down from the van, being sure that I had the keys in my pocket before locking up. That's just what I needed – to lock the keys in the van when I wasn't even supposed to be driving.

The bar was reasonably interesting. Neither of us drank enough to feel the urge to karaoke, but we did sing along with the crowd to the usual popular songs. I had a few beers and with the adrenaline of doing something so audacious, I was feeling awesome. I think Elena was, too. Tonight just might be the night that I'd make a move!

It was around three when we decided it was time to leave. Both of us were still in high spirits, a little sleepy and somewhat tipsy, and we managed to flirt enough with our server so that he gave us a few bottles of beer for the road. Not that we were going to drink on the road... we were just going to finish our party in our room watching happy videos on youtube or something. Or maybe sitting outside looking up at the stars – we did that a lot! And wouldn't that be a good time to make my move?

I fished the keys out of my pocket and gave them to Elena. "You're the boss now," I said, giggling.

"Yes, you don't need to drive, you're too drunk!"

"Am not... you're just as drunk as I am!"


We walked arm-in-arm to the van, the parking lot much more deserted now. I climbed in and leaned my head back, smiling. What a perfect night this had become... so much better than sitting back at the camp doing evaluations. Booooooring!

Elena turned on the van, radio blaring one of our favorite songs. "Oooh!" I shouted, turning the volume up even more and dancing. Elena giggled at me and we sang together for a second, then she put the van in reverse.

"This is totally our song!" she yelled over the radio.

"Yeah!! Totally!!"

Looking in the rearview mirror she eased back, then stopped for a moment to tell me about how we had to download it later, then she gassed it again and BAM!

"Shit," I said. I turned around to see it was only a pole – thank goodness! But still... Shit!!

Shaking, she put the van in park and turned down the radio. "Oh my god, oh my god," she was saying.

"Relax, it's okay, don't worry," I said. It was my job to maintain calmness, at least on the outside. Inside I was freaking out. "No one saw us and it was just a pole..."

Her eyes were wide and we both decided to inspect the damage.

"Well the pole looks fine..." I tried to joke in my half-drunken state. The van, however, didn't look so great. There was quite a dent on the right side of the bumper. "And maybe they won't notice? Besides, they'll never know it was us."

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