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Dear Kris, 

              I would like to think that we almost had it all, how could I not? Afterall, you told my friend that  you pity me, for you used to return my feelings during those instances wherein I didn't notice --- I don't understand.  How could you NOT notice? I love you, I still do and I am still desperately trying to cling onto that diminishing thread of hope...in hopes of this love to be returned. But that won't happen, won't it? 

                  And so, I relented on building this wall to act as my shield -- to keep me away from these emotions that had proved me nothing but the pain that courses through my veins like wildfire, when I think of you.  

                       And so I told myself to forget. To let go of this bittersweet love that I could share with no one. And so, I told myself to stop clutching onto false hope -- I told myself to stop, to forget, and to simply accept things as they are --- and forget, was what I exactly did. 

                                                       This is goodbye, my dear.
                                                                                                                                    Your childhood friend, 
 Ann Sophia (Sophie)

Sincerely SophieWhere stories live. Discover now