To which they then began to eat, which the other people talked to him which ended quite fast since Shirou wasn't that much of a  talked since a sword  didn't need much need to talk that much and would more likely be found in the combat to which most of his replies were "I see" and "okay or some simple reply to a simple question. It wasn't a question in the first place 

Time Skip*

As Rem guided the boy she noticed the Smell of the witch from far now that he was here, it would be needed to stay cautious against this guy as he maybe a witch cultist to which she noticed another smell... the scent of metal, that was weird for someone who smelled like the Witch he smelled like metal, that's strange indeed however assisting this boy will be the priority now. 

For a few minutes they were talking  about households chores, to which he helped her clean even though it was still her job right now to clean, he was quite insistent in some moments when they were cleaning, for a probable witch cultist this guy was weird even just for a him. Why would he? So to which they got to last top to the kitchen. They arrived there at the kitchen to which Ram who entered the same was also there preparing for ingredients in order to cook for today's dinner.  As she was about to talk him about how to cook he spoke

Shirou: I've cooked a fair share of mine for a lot of people... So in any case what do you think I should I help?

Ram from the side who was cutting up vegetables from the start looked at Shirou and said "Why don't you try cutting up the potatoes and the meat". to which Shirou responded and started chopping and peeling the potatoes, it had small imperfections considering that Shirou had quite a small time as he was quite focused at that time about the hunt of the dead apostle that he was getting rusty a bit because of the lack of time to cook.

As he finished  cutting, he was met with two surprised maids looking at the cut potatoes as it was amazing such as the first time he started cooking, they were standing there like an idiot seeming that they both were watching him and said

Shirou: Is this satisfactory? He asked with a small some on his face

Ram looked at the Potatoes indeed those were signs of someone who worked as as a cook for a long time however she glanced at the hands of Shirou those were the marks of someone who trainee as a Knight however he didn't wore any clothing belonging to the Knight...

Ram: Very good, Shero

Shirou was surprised at the new nickname that he got, which he was confused but he didn't mind as it wouldn't affect him that much as it's only a nickname... All it has ever needed was the in the battle, analyzing the situation and identifying the problem.
Both of the maids took notice of the sudden silence and stood there for a moment

For both parties were awkward to each other neither had any plans on to continuing conversation merely small talks but even that was short lasted as Shirou wasn't a conversationalist with limited words it quickly devolved into awkward atmosphere to which they wanted to escape, to which it ended to where Ram told him about clothing and about his hair to which he auto responded with " I see" or "I'll think about it". Not much to which he was freed from duties where he checked again upon and tried again to remove it. To which bore the same result it didn't dispersed but more likely removed the scent for a short while but returning back to it's original state? Didn't know so he decided to check up on it later this evening.

He wonders around to find a garden to which smelled flowers unknown to him, he scouts the area before him  to check if there's anyone there as he was, there was no on there, so to which he then began meditating there to properly examine himself. he had at least 45 circuits all high quality producing 150 units which is quite high, he continued doing it until a person arrived from a distance approached him along with the cat earlier.

Emilia: Hi! How's your day here at the Mansion 

Shirou: It's Fine! It's not that much of a problem at the moment and find it relaxing when working

Emilia: I see! 

The cat appears at the center of them as Shirou then sits at the grass to which Emilia asked

Emilia: Why are you sitting at the grass?

Shirou: The grass is quite comfortable, it would be nice to nap here. You could sit by me as it is quite comfortable here and...

They stood there for quite a bit but Puck realized and said

Puck: My Name's Puck btw

Shirou: I see 

Puck was astonished at the boy, usually most would encourage to talk further, this boy might be a little bit awkward to talk to but the sheer will found in his eyes was quite surprising to find in this boy, it could be seen as if he was the sun... the sheer intensity of it, Puck stared for quite a long time which Shirou then say

Shirou: Hello? What's in my face?

Puck: It's nothing

they continued in silence to which Shirou stood in front of Emilia and said

"Thank you for accompanying me but break seems to be ending, see you another time!"

time break*

He was wondering around as he was told where his room would have been located as he didn't knew where he was earlier so he then opened a door next to which was supposed to be his room but before that he realized prana from the door was leaking out as he entered to which he tried to backstep but only to enter a library with a girl in the center 

Beatrice: What are you doing here human?

Shirou: Sorry about that... I was trying to enter to my  room but I ended up entering here!

Beatrice : Now that your here... You reek of the witch and metallic smell, go take a bath, I suppose

Like Rin Tohsaka, quite similar to her though, only thing would do comply and not complain as she always get her answer quite annoying sometimes but that's why she's someone special to me

Shirou was in daze but barely heard an audible murmuring to which he smirked at the resemblance which only grew in volume only to the last second did he realized he was being attacked as he barely traced kanshou to block the wind attack only to be pushed out of the wind crashing to the wall with large thud. Which gave the nearby maid amused look 

Rem: For someone who came here and getting to the library with one attempt, is quite a feat

Shirou: It might be related to the fact my nose is like blood hound I guess 'A small confused brow rises up in Rem's face' But in any case what will be I doing this afternoon?

Rem: For this afternoon you will be given clothes as it would be dishonorable for a someone working in the Lord to be wearing inadequate clothing and damage the reputation of the Roswaal Household

Shirou nodded and he was then escorted to a room where they took measurements there and to which Ram then says

Ram: It seemed none of the clothes here fit for you

Shirou: It's okay, I know some magic to change to fit my size 

Which he proceeds to grab it from Ram which left a bewildered looks at him  to which almost nothing changed apart from the blue lines that appeared in Shirou's hand

Ram: Strange magic you have... Anyway you can now take a bath and I'll wait for you later in your room

Rem looked at Ram weirdly but only nodding which made Shirou confused at the short interactions between them and decided that from that moment

'To this day I've never guessed what women think... But then again why would I have the need to when Rin was already confusing enough?'


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