happy ending

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Why why did he have to return. I finally got used to him not being here. And now my long time crush Norman is back. And even worse he's sharing a room with me. I feel like I should be happy but I'm not I'm even worse then I was before he came. My pain of depression is starting to come back cause now it's to risk to drink away the pain. It's also to risking to now cut in my room I have to cut in the bathroom when no ones awake but even that's risky.

Ugh why did I even have to live in this stupid world. Why did Emma have to save me I never asked for that. Why why why.

Since Normans not in the room right now maybe I could just drink a little bit. Yeah it's just a quick sip nothing to bad. I reach down under my bed and I pull out a bottle of alcohol. Ok now this gotta be quick. And with that thought I drank a lot in one sip. Ok that should be good enough. I closed the bottle and put it gently back under my bed. I then plopped down on my bed laying there facing the celling.

I stared at the celling for maybe 20 min and then the door opened. Norman came through. "Hey Ray wh-" Norman stopped. Wait why did he stop talking. I just looked at him confused and then he sniffed the air. Huh what is he doing. "Ray is that alcohol I smell?" he says. My eyes widened. SHIT I forgot that it leaves a scent. How could I be so stupid. "Really I don't smell anything" I said calmly. I've always been good at lying so hopefully Norman will just think Don was doing something stupid with alcohol or something. "Ray you know I can actually tell when your lying though you are a good one you have everyone else fold" he said in a laughing tone walking over to his bed. "Whatever" I said growling while turning so my back can face him. "Oh no you aren't getting out of this" he said and then I felt him jump onto my bed sitting next to me.

Frick all these other times I was good at hiding
my feelings from Norman but now he's just so close. He then put a hand on my shoulder and pulls making me face him. He then gets a confused look when he sees the long blush across my face and then he laughs. "Ok Ray are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He said. I was honestly surprised he didn't say anything about the blushing. "Nah nothing's wrong" I said. "Really than what's this" he said pulling out the bottle of alcohol from under my bed. "You know you should put it father back than putting it just barley under your bed I spotted that way to easily" he said. I was just laying there my eyes widened staring at him.

"So you gonna tell me why your drinking alcohol cause if you don't I guess Im just gonna tell everyone that your drinking and show them this and then they all will be on your case would you prefer that" he said grinning. Blackmail serious I growled. "Fine" I said covering my face with my hands.

"Ray dont hid your face please it's cute seeing you blush" he said pulling my hands of my face and holding them and that made the blush go up to my ears. "Alright so tell me why" he said looking me straight in the eyes. "Ok umm so umm.." I was trying to think off ways to put it into words. "It's alright take your time".

I gave up and decided just to tell him the truth. Tell him how I've liked him for a long time and I was drinking when he supposedly "died" to wash away the pain and I was finally able to get over him and then he came back.

"I guess I'll just tell the hole truth at this point" I said while signing. I look to my right to avoid eye contact. "So umm where should I start so basically ive umm l-liked you for a l-long time" I said while fiddling like my fingers. I look up at him and see his eyes wide while a small blush crossed his face. I continued "So when you supposedly died I started drinking to wash away the pain but it started getting so bad that I started cutting and when you came back it was when I finally got over you so it felt like I was back to square one and I guess since I've liked you for so long I think I.."

I stopped for a second and take a breath and continue "I think I l-love y-yo-" I was cut off by feeling something warm against my cheek I look up to see Norman's hand on my cheek.

"Ray it's okay and to be honest I've loved you for so long it made it so hard to leave and over the years I just couldn't stand the thought of what you were going through thinking I was dead"

I just looked back at him eye wide as I slowly saw his eyes become closer and closer and before I knew it I felt his lips against mine as I just starred at his closed eyes in shock before closing my eyes melting into the kiss wrapping my arms around his waist as he put one of his on my back and the other on my head as we deepen the kiss.

After what feels like hours of kissing we sadly had to pull away for air. I really wish didn't need air to live in this minute. We pull away and are foreheads touch eachother as we both open are eyes with are arms still wrapped against eachother.

"I love you.. Ray"

"I love you too Norman" I said back with a smile slowly growing bigger and bigger on my face. We both lean back in doing a tiny quick gentle but lovely kiss before pulling apart. We starred at each other eyes before bursting out laughing falling down on my dad with are arms wrapped around each other.

We stopped laughing but had big smiles on our faces we wrap are arms around eachother my head leaning on his chest while his chin is on my head we snuggle into each other slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Hey ray" norman

"Hmm" me

"How long have you liked me" norman

"Well umm sorta ever since we were around 7 it was your smile your damned smile" me

"Hehe is my smile really that great" norman

"Yes it is" me

I removed my head from his chest and I kissed him. After are quick little kiss I snuggled back into his chest and as I drifted off to sleep I said.

"Goodnight norman, I love you"

"Goodnight ray, I love you too"

Omg should I continue this story to more chapters or do one shots

Sry it's so long this was originally gonna be just a one part story

Life is shit but one day it'll get better (Norman x Ray) Where stories live. Discover now