the attack

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Rays POV

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a twig snap in front of me. I lifted my head to see the girl that beat me the guy that brought me to the room and a bunch of different people. And that's when someone stepped up. They had black hair and green eyes. They were tall and wore a dark coat with black pants.

"This is him" I heard the dude with the green hair say. "Mm so this is my son" said the black haired person. "Y-your my dad?" I said in shock. "Yes you look just like me back when I was your age" My dad said. "So what's it gonna be kid" said the girl. "Huh?" I said. "You listened to the video right" the green dude said. I nodded. "Well then what's your choice" Said the girl. "And by the way I'm Yuri". "This is akumaru" Yuri said pointing at the green dude. "And I'm Rin" said my father. "Ok" I said. "Your supposed to say your name" Akumaru said. "Don't you bitches already know my name" I said coldly.

"Good point alright now choose between the three options that were given to you" Yuri said. "And if I don't" I said. "Then we'll kill all of you here" Rin said. "Fine I'm not letting anyone die and I'm not gonna let myself get killed either so that leaves just going with you" I said. "I knew you were a smart boy" Rin said. "Now let's go get the chains". "Hey she said that you weren't gonna do anything to me" I said. "Oh we won't only if your bad but we're doing this to make sure you don't run" Akumaru said. I stayed silent waiting for the perfect moment to go back inside and run to the weapon room. They all turned around except Akumaru that's ok. I quickly turned around running back inside. "HEY! GET BACK HERE" I heard him yell.

I got to the weapon room grabbed a knife put it in my pocket and went back out acting like nothing happened.

"Where'd you go" Rin said. "Just grabbing an apple i was hungry" I said. It was believable cause I grabbed one as I was running out. "Alright come on" Yuri said. "Ok let's go" I said.

"RAY DONT GO!" I heard Norman yell. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to be faced with everyone in the house with guns. "You guys I don't want any-" I was cut of by a knife being put up to my throat.

"Mm are these your little friends son" Rin said. I nodded. "Mm then you should introduce me shouldn't you. If you don't I'll kill you" Rin said whispering the last part in my ear I clutched the apple making a little bit of juice come out. "Guys this is my dad Rin" I said. "T-that's your dad" Nat said. I nodded.

"I think I recognize the one with orange hair and white hair mm oh RIGHT THERE YOUR BESTFRIENDA ARENT THEY HOW SWEET let's kill them" Rin said. And with that I pulled the knife out of my pocket and put it up to his throat. "If you do I won't hesitate to kill you" I said coldly. "HAHAHAHA THAT WOULD JUST PROVE YOUR A MURDERER EVEN THOUGH YOUR TECHNICALLY ALREADY ONE" Rin said. "W-wait how" Norman asked. "You really didn't tell them how disappointing I guess I know my son better than his own boyfriend" Rin said. "No you don't you don't know anything about me" I said pushing the knife a little bit into his throat making some blood come down which ended up going down to my bangs dripping down.

"You really wanna try that Yuri come hear" Rin said. She came over and he whispered something in her ear. She smirked and started walking towards Norman. I quickly lowered the knife stabbing it directly to his heart poking it a little. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled and then punched me sending me flying through a window. "RAY!" Everyone yelled. "THOMA LANNION GO CHECK ON HIM" I heard Norman yell.

I was barely conscious after my head hit the wall and my back went crashing into a chair. My body hurt so much and I could feel a bunch of cuts on my back and legs.

Thoma and Lannion came rushing through the door and over to me. "Ray are you okay" Thoma said. "Yeah I'm fine" I said putting on a fake smile and getting up even after how much it hurt.

I ran out through the window that I broke because it was way easier than the door. As I got out I saw Yuri charge and Norman with chains. I ran as fast as I can and drop kicked her in the face. "Ray!" Don yelled. "Sup" I said. "Haha your strong" Rin said. "I still plan on killing you if you dare land a hand on any of them" I said. "Oh really then let's start with your boyfriend" he said walking towards Norman. I blocked the path and grabbed the knife that was sitting on the ground. "GILDA TAKE ALL THE YOUNGER ONES INSIDE NOW THEY WONT WANNA SEE THIS" I yelled.

After I heard the doors close. I charged at my dad stabbing him in the gut. "A-all i wanted was to bring y-you home R-ray" Rin said clutching the wound. After he feel a started shaking realizing what I just did and looked at the hand I used to stab him. I couldn't even make out words sure I didn't care about him but he is my dad and now I'm truly a murderer. And that's when I snapped out of it. I remember that he isn't actually my dad I know who my real dad is and he's dead. This little bitch thought he could fool me. I feel to the ground on my knees. And that's when Norman came running up to me hugging me. "N-Norman w-what have i d-done" I said almost unable to form words still shaking. "You were protecting us" Norman said. "Ray" Emma said coming up to me. "You succeed the promise you made you protected us".

Everyone came running out and gasped at what they saw. No one could talk me most of all. "Let's go inside" Norman whispered in my ear. I just nodded. Norman slowly stood up and walked back inside with an arm around me and my head on his shoulder. "Let's go everyone" Emma said. Everyone was inside and we all just headed to our rooms deciding to talk about this tomorrow.

We me and Norman got to are room I broke down in his arms. "Ray what wrong" Norman said tightening his arms around my waist. "I
k-killed someone" I said. "It was for protection how about we talk about this in the morning with everyone right now you need to change and then we can sleep" Norman said. And that's when I realized some of my dads blood was on my clothes. I nodded and we parted so I could change

-time skip-

Me and Norman were laying down with are legs tangled around eachother and my head on shoulder. My mind kept going keeping me from sleeping when all I wanted to do was sleep. And once I almost feel asleep I realized it was morning.

I groaned and proceeded to wake Norman up. "Norman wake up" I said poking his cheek. His eyes opened and he looked at me. "Morning" I said kissing him. He kissed back and after a few seconds we parted. "Goodmorning Ray" Norman said. "Hey Ray did you get any sleep" Norman asked. "Uh yeah why" I said. "You have massive bags under your eyes" Norman said. "Uh maybe" I said. He then kissed my forehead. "Then let's go eat breakfast and then take a nap" Norman said. I nodded and we got up.

I was walking behind Norman with my head in the crock of his neck and my arms wrapped around his waist.

Once we made it I let go of Norman and walked next to him. We made breakfast while Emma and Gilda got everyone up. Once everyone entered they all just looked at me. I tried to pretended not to notice but it wasn't working. I finished cooking and everyone sat down and started to eat.

(i don't know the names of most of the younger kids so yeah these are gonna be questions from all the younger ones)

Halfway through someone finally said something making everyone stop and look at me. "Ray did you kill him". I looked down at my food and slowly nodded. There was a long silence after. "Why" someone else said. "He was protecting us" Norman said. "And about you having a boyfriend is it true" someone else said. I nodded. "For real who" someone said. I lifted my glance up at turned my head towards Norman. A few caught on but most didn't. "Who is it". I just put my head on Normans shoulder and then they all understood. "Ray were you really gonna go with them". I nodded. "Why". It was the first time I talked ever since the morning chat with Norman "better then dying or having any of you die" I said. "You had a choice" "what were they" I took in a deep breath. "Kill myself, hand myself over, or try to run and they kill all of you making Emmas and Normans deaths long and painful and making me watch the whole thing" I said and there was a lot of gasps. "Why did they want to take you" I didn't answer and just starred at the celling and let a small tear roll down my cheek thinking about what they said. "Ray why" Norman said. I signed. "I don't wan-" I was cut of by Don. "RAY TELL US!" Don yelled.

I took in a deep breath. "They just wanted me to meet my dad" I said. "Ray don't give me that we all know that's a lie" Nat said. "Why would they hurt you if they just wanted you to see your dad" Gilda said. "Fine they wanted to make me hurt for things I did in the past back at the house" I said getting up and walking away. "Hey Ra-" Don was cut of by Norman "let him go he needs time to think". 'At least someone understands me'

Life is shit but one day it'll get better (Norman x Ray) Where stories live. Discover now