"What do you mean something about me?" I ask

"Well no one has ever been to calm me down besides my aunt Emily. Anybody who has tried to calm me down gets hurt. Ask Mani and Dashawn I've sent Dashawn to the hospital countless of times." she says

"I'm not going to lie Y/N since I met you something draws me to you. Also, if you don't mind me asking but when were back in club you said that Dashawn should've slept with so that you would've had Naya. If I'm not mistaking you have a dick unless that was a strap I felt when we were dancing, then that would make sense. So how would you have had Naya?" I ask

"Oh umm yeah you're right I do have a dick I was just hurt when I said that. Even though Naya isn't mine I wish she was. I wish that I didn't have a dick cause then Dashawn would've slept with me and Naya would be mine. Then she would've never had to live with that thing of a person out there." She said on the verge of crying.

I could tell  Y/N was holding back like she was hiding something her eyes and body language changed, but I'll leave it alone for now. I could see she was on the verge of crying again so I went over to comfort her. I go over and hug her she stiffens at first but then eventually relaxes into the hug and starts crying. I'm taller than her so it makes it easier for me to wrap my arms around her. 


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 I could tell that Megan knew I was lying but how do I tell her that I'm a killer. Since I killed someone I awoken a werewolf gene that I didn't know I had causing me to grow a dick. So  I'll just have her think I'm a liar then her finding out the truth. Megan came over and put her arms around me I'm not really not a touchy feely person but it felt nice. So I just let her hold me letting my tears fall. 

"Hey Megan as much as I'm enjoying you hugging me we should probably get back before your friends think I killed you or something," I say while still holding onto her

"Okay lets go." Megan said while trying to stand up

"You know Y/N we can't go anywhere if you don't let go of me." Megan said with a chuckle while rubbing her hands up and down my side.

"Sorry you're just really comfortable to hug and give good hugs." I say while letting go. 

"It's all good Y/N/N I'm just glad I could help." she says 

I was about to say something when the door bust open with Reggie having a panicked look on his face.

"Reggie what's wrong?" I ask

"Alicia's boyfriend  Marcus and some of his friends are in the club fighting DaShawn and trying to take Naya." Reggie said 

I go over to my drawer and grab my gun and look at the security camera. Alright so there are a total of 8 guys it looks like Dashawn and Justin are fighting them.

"Megan stay here I don't need you getting hurt." I say 

"No Y/N let me go with you my friends are out there." Megan said

"NO Megan you're staying here I'll send your friends back here.  Reggie stay here with her and if anything happens protect her at all cost." I say 

I grab my phone out and make a call

"Aye yo Chris please tell me you and everyone are near the club?" I ask

"Yeah we're actually pulling up now." he said

"Good we have a problem inside Alicia's boyfriend and his friends are in here causing trouble I need two of you in here helping me. Then I want some of ya'll outside keeping a look out incase they try and run. Chris tell Michael and Malik to get the cellar ready." I tell Chris

"Yeah you got it boss and Y/N it's good to have you back." Chris says

"Yea it's good to be back even if it's only for a short time." I say while hanging up the phone.

I get into the lounge and I see Kelsey, CayDee, Jonathan standing in the corner trying not to get hit. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Kelsey get hit something just doesn't sit right with me when it comes to her. Then I see Normani holding a crying Naya. I go over to them

"Hey guys look I need all of you to go back into my office and wait there until I come and get you. Can ya'll do that?" I ask

"Yeah we can, where's Megan?" Ask CayDeee

"She's in the office Normani will take you guys back there." I say while looking at Normani

Naya see's me and reaches for me to grab her.

"No baby I can't hold you right now I gotta help your daddy. You're going to go in the back with everyone okay." I say

"Otay mama but don't be gone long and please help daddy." Naya says

"Of course I will now go." I say

By the time I get over to the fight Chris,  Dashawn, and Justin are trying to fight everyone. I go up to Justin and tell him to go back to the office with the others and send Reggie out. DaShawn and Chris are knocked out cold on the ground. Looks like I have to do everything myself. Marcus sees me and runs up to me throwing a punch. I dodge the punch and grab his wrist bending his wrist backwards. 

Fight scene below skip to 0:55 for the fight

Reggie and DaShawn come and help me finish everyone else off while Chris ass is still knocked out. Everyone is knocked out cold. August and the rest of the gang came running in.

"What the hell took you guys so long?!" I yell

"Sorry boss Marcus had guys outside and we have them tied up in the van." said Luv

"Ok good take the rest of these guys to the van and take them back to the house. I'll be there in a little. Aye yo Luv get your brother he's over there knocked out cold." I say 

"You got it Y/N and why am I not surprised I told his ass to stay in the car. Luv said

"Yeah well you live and you learn and it seems that Chris is always learning." I say while shaking me head. 

"We'll see you later boss." They all said in unison

"Well that was an eventful night." said DaShawn 

"Shawn why were ya'll fighting?" I ask 

"Oh well Marcus saw Alicia knocked out and he got mad. I wasn't going to fight him but then Naya started crying when she saw him. So I put two and two together and realized that he was the one touching Naya." He said 

"Okay good to know and I'm glad you finally decided to stick up for your daughter." I say

"What do you mean finally." DaShawn asked

"When Naya said something earlier you just stood there while I beat Alicia and then you had the audacity to tell me to calm down." I say

"Sorry about that I was honestly just in shock and by the time I had processed what happened you were already attacking Alicia." DaShawn said

"Okay well imma go get Megan and everyone." I say while walking off

"Wait Y/N what about the everyone who saw what happened." Dashawn asked 

"Don't worry about them they won't remember and if they do we will deal with it then." I say 

"Ok and Y/N I'm proud of you. You didn't shoot and kill anyone tonight" he said

"Thanks man it was hard bro but I'm not trying to have blood on my hands and also there were to many witnesses.:" I say


Girl of My Dreams -Megan Thee StallionWhere stories live. Discover now