Chapter 2

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"Normani where the fuck is 4oe I can't find him anywhere. Normani Kordei I swear if you've lost my dog your ass in mine!" I hear someone say

I turn around and see the most beautiful person I've ever seen before. Now I've seen pictures of Megan before but her in real life is exquisite. I'm still in awe of her that I can't help it but to stare.

 I'm still in awe of her that I can't help it but to stare

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"Why do you have my dog? She asked.

Oh my god she has an accent to I think I died and went to heaven.

"Oh um sorry since I arrived he's been following me around. Normani told me to bring him downstairs, I'm Y/N by the way. I said while handing Megan her dog.

"Really 4oe doesn't really like strangers what did you to make him like you?" Megan asked

"Umm nothing I'm just really good with dogs, I have four dogs of my own." I say

"Okay so are we ready to go or what?" asked Megan

"Yeah we're ready lets go." said Justin

We walk outside and we get into the SUV. I was hoping I got to sit next to Normani but she sat next to Jonathan. I was sitting next to Megan, I have nothing against her she just makes me nervous. I've never really been nervous around anyone. Since I got in the car Kelsey has been staring at me. Why do I have a feeling this night is going to go bad.

"So Y/N your here for spring break, where do you go to school?" asked Megan

" I go to North Carolina A&T University..." I say while being cutoff 

"Mani always talks about how smart her cousin is. What makes you so special? What are you studying? Asked Kelsey

"Umm she could be talking about me or our other cousins or my brother. We're all pretty smart in our family. I'm double majoring in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice and I'm getting a minor in music." I say 

"A double major and minor girl I don't know how you do it." said Megan

"Wait minor in music do you play any instruments?" asked CayDee

"Oh um yeah I play the alto saxophone, guitar, bass, violin and percussion. I said

"Wow you're just full of surprises huh?" said Jonathan

I was about to say something but I was cut off because Kelesy decided to blast music

"Bitch why the would you play the music so loud with warning someone first." said Megan

"Well it was too quiet in here and you guys weren't talking about anything important so I decided to play music." said Kelsey

"We were obviously trying to have a conversation with Y/N before you rudely interrupted. Kelsey don't be on your shit tonight I don't have the time." said Normani

Girl of My Dreams -Megan Thee StallionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant