Chapter 4

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Previously on Girl of My Dreams

"Y/N/N relax you're going to kill her" said Dashawn while pulling me off of her

"Relax what do you mean relax your daughter just said she was touched by man and you want me to relax. This is your fault!!" I said while punching him in the face.

"My fault how ?" Dashawn asked

"Because if you would've slept with me that night then Naya would be mine and none of this would have happened." I said while walking away into my office. Leaving Naya with Megan


Megan's Pov

"Where's Y/N going did I do something wrong she just left me here?" Naya asks while looking at me like she wants to cry

"Oh no honey Y/N is just mad at your mom and dad. She just needs sometime to relax before she says something mean." I tell her 

"Hey Mani can you take Naya for me." I ask 

"Megan don't when Y/N is made she's unpredictable and violent when she's mad I don't want you to get hurt." Normani said

"Megan Normani is right you saw the way she just attacked ole girl over there and hit Dashawn." said Justin motioning for me to sit down

"Relax you guys I can handle myself and she's not going to hurt me. Dashawn where did she go?"

"In the back office go straight and make a left it's the first door." he says 

I walk back to the office I will admit I am a little nervous. It's something about Y/N that draws me to her and I just want to make sure that she's okay. I at the door to her office and I hear a bunch of crashing and things being broken. I open the door and the office is completely destroyed. I walk in and I see Y/N in the corner of the office destroying a punching bag. 

"Y/N you're going to end up really hurting yourself if you don't stop hitting that punching bag." I say

It like she doesn't hear me and keeps hitting the bag. I hope I don't regret this I walk over to Y/N and grab her hands. Seeing as she's smaller than me you would think that it would be no problem. Well I was wrong Y/N is incredibly strong she breaks out of my hold and pins me against the wall. 

"Y/N I know you're angry you have every right to be but you need to take it easy or you're seriously going to hurt yourself." I say

She's just staring at me her eyes are dark almost black, there not the pretty brown from earlier. 

I mange to get my hands free so I cuff her face with both of my hands. 

"Y/N look at me I know you're in there forget about Alicia and everyone for a few minutes, just look at me. I say while grabbing her hand and putting it on my chest so she can feel my heartbeat. 

That seems to have done the trick cause she knits her eyebrows in confusion and backs up letting me get free of the wall.

"Megan please tell me I didn't hurt you?" she asks looking so vulnerable

"No you didn't you just pinned me against the wall but it's not like I haven't been in that situation before." I say

"You know Megan you're pretty stupid for coming in here and calming me down. I could of easily hurt you. I'm sure Normani told you to let me calm down on my own." Y/N said

"Well excuse me for trying to help you out. Yeah everyone told me not to but I didn't listen, you needed someone." I say a little annoyed

"Don't get me wrong Megan I'm grateful for coming back here and helping me but I really could've hurt you. I don't like to hurt people unless I have to. I'm not gonna like but there's something about you Megan." she says

Girl of My Dreams -Megan Thee StallionWhere stories live. Discover now