16. Mathew

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Jade dropped me at Tori's dad's house first when we officially leave Boston to go here in Hastings for dinner.

I was so nervous on the drive here but Jade never stopped on telling me that I should not and I should expect that her Dad will only grill me with hockey questions rather than questions about our relationship.

She told me that her father is a huge fan of hockey and so being around with an NHLer freaks and hypes him up at the same time. And that was undeniably true.

As the dinner started, the two Mr. Kaufman never stopped on shooting me and Anders questions about the game season. Which is an absolute relief.

When Jade went to me and officially introduced me as her boyfriend in front of her parents. Her mother didn't stopped from squeaking and goshing over us, she even took a picture of us on her phone. Then her father greeted me warmly which I didn't expected, since I thought Jade's Dad will bust my balls off for some heart-to-heart questions about her daughter, but he didn't. He just made the conversation light and friendly.

I also wanted to impress her family. I really want them to know how I cherish their one and only daughter.

What I said to Jade on the drive here was true.

My life is pretty much all about hockey since I was a kid. When I finally get to the NHL all I do is focus on it even more because the hardwork is pretty much the same. Giving your all on every game and all that. Girls tend to be just like a background or a perk for me but when I met Jade, I began to realize that there is more to life than playing hockey.

I have met her and officially dating her for just few months but her impact to me feels like forever.

"I'm expecting the Bruins to kick your asses during the game Anders." Tori's Dad Bennie said in the middle of the dinner which sends me to a complete shock looking at the man in disbelief.

Jade's Dad Benjie agreed. "For sure!"

But then I got relieved when the rest of the people snickered.

Jade who's giggling next to me patted my thighs and lean. "We're solid Bruins fans."

"Would that just be weird that you guys have Anders on the family? He's even the captain." I asked completely confused and intrigued at the same time.

"Trust me Mat." Anders answered in between chuckles. "I've been convincing them to root for the Islanders for many years now but I can't."

"Oh boy!" I said sipping on my water and earned few chuckles from them.

This family is interesting!

"I still can't believe you guys." Tori said shaking her head. "There are already two Islanders player in here and you still root for the other team?"

"If they are playing against other team I'm all for them, but against Bruins?" Bennie replied then shake his head.

"Guess we'll have to work harder to impress these men right here captain? You obviously didn't tried that hard." I said beaming at Anders.

"Hell yeah!" Anders said snickering and slapped my hands.

"That's the spirit!" Jade's Dad said and I couldn't help but feel glad about it.

"Don't get too confident Barzy." Jade chimed in.

"Babe, I'm your boyfriend!" I protested but I only recieved a shrug from her and every one else just laugh it up.


Game day strikes and the Kaufman didn't surprised me at all. They're all really wearing Bruins jerseys including my girlfriend as I spot them just near our bench as we're warming up. They are supposed to sit on one of the private boxes with Tori as Anders and I tried to reserve for them but they prefer being on the actual crowd cheering.

Tori's Dad Bennie said during our dinner that he hates seating on the private box during this kind of game since he can't clearly cheer there because he is rooting for the opponent and also, it gives him the opportunity to slap their palms at the Plexiglass on every goal or fights during the game.

Make sense!

This is the first time Jade watches my game and I can't help but felt pump that even if she is on a Bruins jersey, I definitely know she roots for me. I even managed to say Hi on them on my way back to the locker room after the warm up and I couldn't help but smile as Jade's parents smiled and nodded on me looking at me just like what my parents does when they are watching my game live.

I sighed in complete bliss.

The Roommate: A Mathew Barzal FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now