12. Jade

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We arrive at the Seidenberg's residence with me clinging on the hem of my denim jacket. I'm nervous, again!

I mean, this is not the meet-the-parents kinda thing and I already met Rebecca and Dennis before but it's just my anxiety who swallows every little self-esteem I have on my system.

Mat didn't bother to knock or ring on the doorbell when we reach the house porch and then I just remembered he lived here before and he texted Rebecca that we're already on our way earlier.

"We're here!" Mat shouted and few seconds later three kids coming out from nowhere run towards him and gave him a hug.

Mat greeted each of them patting them on the head and he even messes the hair of a little boy.

"I miss playing Ice Pro with you Mat!" The little boy said.

"Me too." Mat responded smiling.

"Braker still sucks!" Said the little girl who I supposed, the oldest.

"Who is she Mat?" The boys asked looking at me and the rest of the kids finally noticed me standing behind Mat.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The other girl asked biting her nails trying to hide a smile.

Mat chuckled looking at me. Well, this is awkward for everyone involved. These are kids but hearing them asking if I am Mat's girlfriend is kind of uncomfortable.

I mean, I want to be his girlfriend. But I still do want to make things slow between us. It's hard to work out a  relationship since he's constantly away, means, we barely have time to work on that.

Plus, we just clear things up between us yesterday so we still have long way to go. If we wanted to do this, of course.

"This is Jade." He introduces. "Jade this is little Braker, my buddy-buddy. That's Noah the second child and that's Cory the first born."

I said my hello and waved at them. The kids are pretty friendly and of course I can really sense that they are teasing Mat by the way the three of them smiles at him.

"Where are your parents?" Mat asked.

"They're on the kitchen preparing." Cory answered. "Come on, they are waiting for you."

Then the three of them run away heading to where their parents are and Noah even shouted that Mat have brought a girlfriend which sends me and Mat to laugh.

He gave me a quick chaste kiss on the lips right before following the kids. I may be nervous on the way here, but there's something from Mat's touch that sends me into the limbo of calmness.

We reached the kitchen being greeted by Rebecca and Dennis with a hug. While Dennis and Mat did their handshakes only two of them knows.

"I'm so glad you came." Rebecca said leading me to sit next to her on the breakfast bar while the two boys went outside heading to the outdoor kitchen. "Mat told me you have a rough day."

I awkwardly smile because I still do feel kind of shy around her. "Oh not that much, I'm just kinda get stressed out handling emails during my day-off. But I'm already fine, especially when Mat told me we're having an early dinner with you guys. I'm food motivated, by the way."

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