Chapter 16

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Bryce pov

My dad was on the phone with someone and all the boys and girls accept Amelie where in the living-room... Amelie was in her room doing whatever... my dad got off the phone and said "Oh god" he grabbed his phone and called someone and putted on speaker "yes dad what's the problem that ur calling me?" I heard amelies voice "have you got the demo?" And I heard for a second nothing and then she said "shit sorry dad I swear I forgot... I wasn't thinking I'm so sorry I'm immediately coming downstairs" and my dad said "hurry everyone's already done" and I heard running from the steps and Amelie ran in here and grabbed her shoes fast "I'm so sorry dad again" she said and he nodded "guys we have to go she's filming a clip and she forgot" and I tried to hold my laugh "funny how ur not on my level" she said annoying to me and Anthony laughed loud... "MOM AMELIE IS BULLYING ME AGAIN!" I yelled my mom walked in and looked at amelie and she whispered something in my dads ear and he laughed and said "apologize for making that amazing joke" Amelie laughed softly "I'm so sorry Bryce for telling you that I'm more importantly then you'll ever be" and my mom playfully hit her and she said "okay fine sorry Bryce that ur still childish calling ur mommy to defend you." And my mouth dropped "she's right" my dad said and josh laughed "when you bully me I never call them?" And I said "but I never bully you." And she said "last time you even said my hair was slutty... bully" and then my dad said "okay fine you two are both bullies but everyone is waiting let's go..." Amelie and my dad and Alexis left.... "it feels like when they didn't came back in our life" my mom said and I nodded "so josh what were you doing in amelie her room a hour ago?" Anthony asked loud "what do you mean I wasn't there?" He said and Jaden said "was he really in her room?" He asked Anthony and he nodded "stop lying I saw you walking out...." and then Nadia said "Anthony is right I was basically in the shower and heard ur voice in the room you said something with how's the something something going" and josh said "no I wasn't in her room" and kio said "I saw you in the morning with Amelie I was making coffee" and he said "I needed to drop her at Kelly's" he said "but kelly is out of town." And we all looked at josh "we didn't do shit" he said fast "just tell us was she the girl you kissed in ur car?" I asked and he said "ask her.... she'll say no cause it wasn't her she was basically wearing something else" and I said "she changed..."and Jaden said "god josh just tell us did you made out with her not I'm not getting mad.." and josh looked at the ground... "okay yea fine it was her.." everyone looked at each and Anthony yelled " MY SHIP...." and we all looked at him "no I'm just kidding." Josh said and we all looked at him dead.... "JUST TELL US" Nadia said l... and josh didn't say shit anymore... we watched a movie and after awhile we heard the door and my dad walked in and then Amelie did.... "how was it sweetie?" My mom asked "amazing it looks so dope and we filmed 3 of them for the 4th one I need to dm allot of people to come help.." and then jaden said "can you like show us a vid?" And she said "it's premiere now" and Avani grabbed the remote and searched Amelie hall and you saw 3 things premieres... "break up with your girlfriend? Let's click on that one." Alexis said reading it and everyone was sitting down....

"Why did I first thought it would be a Disney video but.... it's really good" kio said "Hush kio, to much skin I don't like it but the song is good" I said and my dad said "wait till he sees you know" and Amelie tried to hold her laugh..... "so were not gonna talk about how you slayed the dress to intimate her and you did it amazing?" Avani said and Amelie gave her a sign saying love you.... "okay let's click on 7 rings.... that's sounds like a bad song" Griffin said clicking on it...

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