Chapter 15

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Amelie pov

I was walking down the stairs softly it was about 8 am all the boys were sleeping even the girls... I was wearing this

My hair and make up

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My hair and make up

And I was waiting for josh

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And I was waiting for josh... he texted me last night saying he wanted to take me on a morning date so if we'll come back we can just say we got breakfast fast... I waited a second before he ran from the stairs softly wearing this

 I waited a second before he ran from the stairs softly wearing this

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I laughed softly... and he said "you look amazing like always let's go before we woke up anyone" he said holding my hand and walking out the door fast... it felt special to hold his hand... like how it feels when Jaden touch me they feel the same way... we walked to his car and I got in and we drove away "freedom" josh softly yelled as we left the neighborhood and I laughed and said "so where are we going so early?" And he laughed "breakfast and then I'll just surprise you" and I nodded not understanding how you can give someone a surprise in the early morning "you probably think I can't surprise you in this early morning?" He asked putting the radio on and my mouth dropped "how'd you know???" And he laughed "I don't know" he said... while he was driving I just looked on how he was build his face and I think he felt my eyes on him he looked to me about 3 times noticing I was still looking.... "why are you staring?" He said laughing parking in the driveway of this breakfast house "cause.... ur just so... so handsome I was basically just looking how ur like build... hope that doesn't sound like wei-" and he smashed his lips on mine.... and I kissed back holding his cheek and he pulled away and pecked me again and said "it isn't weird at all" and I smiled softly and looked with my eye in his side and I sigh loud "we got caught making out in your car behind a breakfast house" I said and he looked seeing Hollywood fix people running away and he laughed "they just know it's only me you can't really tell it's you..." and I nodded he's right.... we got out of the car and he putted his hands around me he was enjoying being with me too much... we ate breakfast... and got back to his car and I fast checked TikTok room "oh god"

My ex boyfriend, Jaden hosslerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora