Marinette Meets Marin after 6 years

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Author's note: Welcome back Dudes and Dudettes!!! Yes I am back with a new chap... Thank you all for your support. Please comment your thoughts and ideas.☺️☺️🤞 Hope u all like this new chap...😉😉😉

Previously: Just then the door bell jingled and I heard a sweet voice, " Mom, Dad, I am back home".


After having a normal day at school without Chloe taunting her Marinette made her way to home not even bothering to say goodbye to her friends.

She was in a particularly sour mood but felt guilty for the way she treated her friends.

'I should apologise to them tomorrow',she thought.

'Tomorrow might be his birthday but I won't let that ruin my mood. I will just wish him birthday through text tomorrow and continue my day normally. Besides if this continues I will attract an akuma',she decided and stepped inside the bakery.


I stepped inside the bakery and shouted, "Mom, Dad, I am back home".

When I raised my head and faced them I felt like all the wind had been knocked out of my lungs.

There standing with my parents was my brother, Marin Dupain-Cheng.

My brother who was now even more handsome, muscled, a little taller was just standing in front of me with our parents.

A series of emotions rolled over me.

First I felt like running over there and give him a death hug then I felt confused as why he was here. Then I started to get angry that after all these years when I was finally got my mood in control he comes here and stands with our parents as if he cares about me. I had achieved so many things this year yet he didn't even acknowledge me for one of it.

He slowly spreads his hands with a wide grin on his face.

I knew my brother could read me like an open book so I knew that he saw all those emotions on my face.

But I am not the same old little Marinette now.

I am Ladybug, Saviour of Paris, Partner of Chat Noir, The Next Guardian of Miraculous.

I am more mature now that I am Ladybug.I could not have time for my silly sibling problems. I was also little worried about how I am going to hide my secret identity from him.

But no, the fate of Paris lies on me. I should act professional. Even though I resent Marin now , he is my brother who I love to pieces and I won't put him in danger.

With that I put on a genuine smile on my face and walked over to him calmly giving him a light hug.


When I first saw my sister I had no words to say. I always knew she was cute but right now standing there was not my little Marinette.

She was like a princess.

She had grown quite a lot in the past 6 years. She still has midnight hair which is now in pigtails with her bangs covering her forehead and loose strands framing her face.

Her eyes were in the same stunning blue shade he remembered ... still wide and curious but there was something more in it.There was a lot of maturity in those eyes along with responsibility,wisdom,knowledge and much more as if she had come across life above her age.

What had changed in these years???

When she first saw me I thought she would squeal and give me a bone crushing hug but she just stood there with a roll of emotions.

Marin: Marinette's brother Where stories live. Discover now