Chapter 26: War

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It's sunset and every clan is set on the beach. Each clan is divided into two. Half of them will be fighting underwater while the half will be guarding the shore.

"Please hold my hand so we can turn to mermaids in one go." Wei Ying instructed.

They followed and held hands together, Lan Xichen looked at Jiang Cheng worriedly. "You should rest at Cloud Recesses, this is a war, and you're pregnant at that, this is harmful to you," Lan Xichen said worriedly. Jiang Cheng glared at him. Lan Xichen's been going on and on about that matter but he doesn't want to be left behind, plus it's for his newfound friend that he's doing such risk.

Lan Xichen sighed, he's worried for him but he can't oppose his principle or they might just fight in the middle of the war.

"All set!" Jiang Fengmian shouted. Lan Xichen held Jiang Cheng's hand tightly. If he can't stop him, he'll just need to look for him and make sure he's not harmed.

"ourá gorgónas" Wei Ying whispered, means Mermaid tail in Greek.

The pearl lit up, the light traveled from the body to body as their feet turned to tails. Everyone was astonished at the sudden change of their appearance.

After turning into a mermaid, he didn't let go of Jiang Cheng's hand. Jiang Cheng looked at him with puzzled eyes, "We need to go," He said, trying to pull away from his hands.

"No, we'll go together, If you don't want to stay behind at the Cloud Recesses, at least let me take care of you," Lan Xichen said sternly.

"B-but they'll notice," Jiang Cheng said worriedly. They might get found out at this rate.

"Look at them, they're busy. They won't even have time to observe," Lan Xichen said and pointed at the group of their fellows charging at the merfolks that comes their way.

Jiang Cheng sighed, Lan Xichen will just make a fuss over and over if he doesn't agree with him.

"Fine," he answered. Lan Xichen immediately pulled him somewhere so he can hide him.

But when they are about to leave the war zone, a merfolk suddenly charged at them. Hitting Jiang Cheng's flippers. His eyes turned red at that moment, seeing Jiang Cheng get hurt is making his blood boil in anger. He immediately threw his sword and it hit the merfolk right to his death.

Jiang Cheng's flippers are bleeding. He immediately carried him so he won't ever use any strength. He panicked, looking sideways to find somewhere to hide Jiang Cheng.

Just when he's about to breakdown, a woman with features of a merfolk tapped his shoulder. His alertness suddenly kicked in, he held Jiang Cheng on his other arm and drew his sword on his free hand.

She immediately backed away, "I-I'm here to help, seems like you're in trouble," she stuttered.

Lan Xichen's eyes squinted at her, suspicious of what is her intention.

"Please trust me, I'm no harm. I just want to help. He seems to be in a lot of pain," she remarked.

Lan Xichen looked at Jiang Cheng's face. He does look like he's in a lot of pain. He can't do anything.

'If she's planning something, I can easily kill her, since she looks like a weak woman,' he said in his mind. He says that but he's hoping that she could really help them.

"This way," She said and guided them. They swam fast amongst the fighting crowd. Then in a short while, they arrived in a cave.

"A'Ning, get something to patch up a wound," She exclaimed upon arriving. She looked at them, "please put him down here," She said. He is hesitant but then the man who was there when they arrived came with bandages.

"Jie Jie, here," he said and gave it to her. Lan Xichen sighed then gently put Jiang Cheng down.

He watches her put medicine on his flippers and patch up the wound.

After finishing she looked up at him. "I'm Wen Qing, a doctor of the clan. But I'm not here to be in the war, but to help the injured. A'Ning and I are half-human, we are threatened to help in the clan so the half-human and half-merfolks like us won't be killed" she explained.

"Thank you," Lan Xichen said, "But your clan is going to be destroyed anytime soon," Lan Xichen added.

"The leader of our clan is ruthless, they killed the mermaid clan for his own amusement. I don't mind getting away from their hands," She said in her monotonous tone.

While they were in the middle of the conversation, Wen Ning was called by another merfolk. Gladly, Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng were far off inside the cave where they are not easily noticed.

"A'Ning be careful out there!" Wen Qing reminded him when he's about to get out.

"Yes!" he answered and followed the other merfolk.

Lan Xichen and Wen Qing sighed in relief.

As the war is still going on a presence suddenly went inside the cave. Lan Xichen and Wen Qing were alerted at that moment.

They all gasped in surprise upon seeing each other. But they sighed in relief when it was Wei Ying who entered.

Jiang Cheng hiss in pain as the medicine Wen Qing put is taking its effect. He's too weak to talk and think properly. Everything is blurred for Jiang Cheng, and just then he fell asleep.

"What happened?!" Wei Ying was worried after seeing him in that state. He charges at him as he looks closer.

"I'm telling him to stay on land, he's sick. But he's a stubborn one and insisted to come. Now he got injured by a merfolk that suddenly came charging towards us, but thank goodness that I was near him that I immediately killed the merfolk. Just then, when I carried him, she appeared and offered me help, I was hesitant but my mind is blank, I can't think properly so I accepted her help." Lan Xichen clicked his tongue as he watches Jiang Cheng take the pain.

"It's thanks to this merfolk that Jiang Cheng was saved. I couldn't have known what to do if it's not for her." He said as he hugged Jiang Cheng tight.

He watches Jiang Cheng feel the pain alone, 'if I only I can endure his pain instead of him enduring it all I'm willing to.' he said in his mind.

"Master Lan," Wei Ying suddenly called out to him. He immediately turns his attention to him, "please take care of them for the meantime. You owe this miss for saving Jiang Cheng so I wish you to protect them." Wei Ying looked back when he is near the entrance.

"I will!" Lan Xichen answered with determinedness in his eyes as he holds his sword tightly, ready to protect them from danger.

"Thank you." Wei Ying uttered before going out of the cave to find Wen Ning.

Unending: Hybrid (Lan Xichen X Jiang Cheng) || Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now