Chapter 14: Hard

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The next day...

"Brother," Lan Zhan called out when he saw Lan Xichen get out of his room early in the morning.

"Yes, Wangji?" He answered as he stood in front of his room.

"Master Jin has gone home, he said you were busy so you can't accompany him." Lan Zhan said in his monotonous tone, as always.

"Oh, then that's good," he said and smiled at him.

"He also said, he'll be coming back when your busy schedule had died down," Lan Zhan continued.

"So persistent," Lan Xichen whispered to himself and almost click his tongue.

"That's all he said before going home," Lan Zhan added.

"Thank you for telling me Wangji," Lan Xichen smiled and patted his shoulder.

"By the way brother, I'll be going to have a patrol on the seashore," Lan Zhan said before he turns around.

Lan Xichen's brows met, "When are you going?" he asked.

"before sunset," he answered.

"Oh, then take care," Lan Xichen reminded him.

"Mn," he answered as he made his way to somewhere. Lan Xichen just watched him walk away.

Just then a certain person suddenly popped out of his head. His heart started beating fast again, he smiled from ear to ear when he remembered the face Jiang Cheng has when they were doing 'that'. It was cute but erotic at the same time. He chuckled to himself, wondering when can he see that erotic expression on his face again.

But he immediately snapped out of it. He got lots of work to do that he left when he was slacking off because of thinking too much about Jiang Cheng, now he's paying the price. He shrugged off, it's worth after all, he got to receive a confession from Jiang Cheng and have him be his lover and mate for life.

He shrugged off and went inside his room again. "I need to finish this, I'll be seeing him this afternoon," he tittered as he picks up his brush and did his work to do.

After finishing his works, he stood from his seat and stretched his arms above his head, he yawned as felt the relief.

"Now, I'm going to see him," he said and tittered.

He went to the kitchen and pick up a basket of food before dashing off to the middle of the forest. He is excited to see him since it's the first day that they knew about their feelings for each other and being in a relationship.


When he arrived, he immediately saw Jiang Cheng sleeping peacefully while crouching on the grass.

Lan Xichen smiled wide and sat beside him, he pulls his head gently to rest it on his shoulder. But then he flinched, he was awakened.

"Oh, sorry I waked you," Lan Xichen smiled at him sweetly as Jiang Cheng blink his eyes twice before looking up at Lan Xichen with his hooded eyes.

"You're here," he said with his sleepy tone and hugged him on his waist as he closes his eyes again. Lan Xichen's warmth is comforting that it's making him doze off again.

Lan Xichen chuckled, "You wanna sleep first or eat first?" he asked as he opens the basket of food that he brought.

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes again and yawned. He let go Lan Xichen's waist and peeked on the basket that Lan Xichen brought.

He pouted at Lan Xichen, "Feed me," he said with his puppy eyes.

Lan Xichen chuckled at him and pinched his nose slightly, "are you seducing me with your cuteness?" He asked.

Jiang Cheng's cheeks flushed red at what he said, the 'thing' they did yesterday flashed back. The face he made and the face Lan Xichen made while pounding him is too sexy. He shook his head, he needs to control himself or he might get hard in no time.

Lan Xichen noticed that something's wrong with Jiang Cheng. He tilted his head, "What's the matter?" He asked curiously.

Jiang Cheng flinched and looked at Lan Xichen, he chuckled awkwardly and shook his head, " It was nothing, hehe. My hips, yeah! that's right, my hips hurt," he said awkwardly.

Lan Xichen stopped getting food and sat beside him again, he looked at him worriedly. "It's my fault, is it? I made you tired yesterday, I'm so sorry," he apologized and held his hand.

'Oof, I didn't mean it like that,' he cried internally, seeing Lan Xichen all worried is turning him on. Everything about lan Xichen is turning him on. He gulped and chuckled, "But, I'm fine now, don't worry," He said trying to avoid his gaze, or he might really get hard. Heat is slowly climbing up his body and he needs Xichen to stop.

"I'll massage your hips so it will go away," Lan Xichen suggested. He became flustered at what he said, but before he can refuse Lan Xichen successfully took him down, making him lie down on his chest on the grass, facing his back to Lan Xichen.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine after this," Lan Xichen said and press his fingers on Jiang Cheng's waist, putting pressure as he gently massages on it.

"Hm," Jiang Cheng mumbled, the feeling of Lan Xichen's hands and the pressure between his fingers is so comfortable and calming.

"Xichen~" He accidentally uttered that it turned to a moan.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide, 'that was sexy,' he thought, then the memory of yesterday popped out of his head. His cheeks flushed red and heat crawled up to him. It's turning him on.

"Xichen, why did you stop?" Jiang Cheng turned to look at him with his innocent eyes.

Lan Xichen's cheeks are all red again and the brightness of the sun is lighting the place that it makes it so visible.

Jiang Cheng chuckled, it giving him the urge to tease him more, "Xichen~" he called out again but with his sweet voice, trying to tease him. Then his cheeks flushed as well when his eyes caught something bulging on Lan Xichen's robe. 'Oh no, wrong move,' he said in his mind as he bit his lip.


Sorry need to cut there. hehehe Love lots readers! ❤❤❤

Unending: Hybrid (Lan Xichen X Jiang Cheng) || Fantasy AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz