Day 3

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Day 3 - Tier 3: "I can't lose you too"
Warning: This story includes attempted suicide and a major character death...Kinda, you'll know what I mean when you read it. 


This couldn't be happening

'No please no'

It couldn't be real

'Why? Why him of all people?'


It was everywhere

On his body, on the ground, on his clothes, hands, all over.

His mind was racing with thoughts. It was almost as if time had stopped. Like he was losing his breath and his heart was starting to stop beating.

He couldn't move, instead, he just stared at what was in front of him. He wanted to move, to scream, cry, anything but stay still. Why wasn't his body moving!?

'Go to him. GO!'

He took a shaky step forward, almost like he was scared to get close. He took two more and kneeled down. He lifted his hand and hesitated before placing his hand on the other. He searched and searched but found nothing. There was no pulse.


Tears emerged in his eyes. It couldn't be true, he didn't understand. Why did it have to be him? He seemed so happy and positive, did he miss something? Why would he do this?

"Hey...hey wake up, stop playing around and get up this isn't funny..." He said looking down at the body in front of him. He couldn't be gone, he wouldn't accept it.

"Come on please...please! Get up! WAKE UP!" He yelled, but he still got no response.

"WAKE UP DAMMIT COME ON GET UP!" He yelled again gripping onto the body shaking it. He continued to yell and shake until he was stopped he a hand on his shoulder and a bloodcurdling scream.

He looked behind him to see two of his friends Kageyama and Hinata. Both looked terrified at the sight in front of them. "Oh my god! Is he dead?!" Hinata screamed as tears already started to fall from his eyes.

"I-I think he is..." Kageyama said with a shaky voice.

"No, he's not. He cant be. He's not dead, your wrong Kageyama."

Kageyama stared down at his friend. He couldn't imagine the pain he was feeling at this moment. "Tsukishima..." He said softly.

"NO! YOUR WRONG KAGEYAMA! HE'S NOT DEAD!" Tsukishima yelled in anger. He turned around to face the body that laid on the ground currently covered in blood. "I-its just a joke...right? RIGHT!? He screamed at the body, no response.

"Tsukishima please," Hinata said as he got up and walked towards the two. He had stopped crying but still clearly looked miserable. He stood next to Kageyama as they watched Tsukishima break down right in front of them.

"NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! HE CANT BE GONE!" Tsukishima said. He began to shake and with trembling hands, he grabbed the body and shook it violently. "COME ON WAKE UP! WAKE UP ALREADY! PLEASE!"

Kageyama tried to reach out to Tsukishima and stop him but his wrist was grabbed by Hinata. Hinata looked at him and shook his head, Kageyama nodded in response.

"PLEASE WAKE UP! SHOW ME THAT THEY'RE LYING! THAT YOUR STILL ALIVE! PLEASE...please..." Tears began to fall from Tsukishima's eyes. "Just something, show me something that can prove them wrong."


No sounds



It was as if a boulder had hit Tsukishima right in the head. The realization he didn't want.

That Tadashi Yamaguchi wasn't as happy as he looked

That Tadashi Yamaguchi lied about how he was feeling saying 'Im fine' whenever Tsukishima got suspicious of his behavior

That Tadashi Yamaguchi had jumped off the roof

That Tadashi Yamaguchi was now dead

"No...nonono please, please don't leave me. Don't leave me alone, I don't want to be alone. Please Tadashi...your the most important thing in my life. I've already lost so many things. Friends, my relationship with my brother, most likely my relationship with my parents too. I can't lose you too Tadashi. Please don't leave me!"

Tsukishima cried as he held onto the body for his dear life. Tears flowing down his face like waterfalls. Normally he cared about people seeing him in such a vulnerable state but now it didn't matter anymore. He just lost the love of his life, he didn't care anymore.

Life is like a game. You only have a specific amount of lives to use before your gone. Luckily in a game, you can always restart and try again.

Would you like to restart?

Yes or No



Tsukishima opened his eyes and looked around at his surroundings. He was in class, everything was normal. He looked over to see Kageyama and Hinata talking or in better terms yelling at one another about volleyball. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and turned his head to the window outside.

He felt strange, almost as if he had to go do something or find someone. He wasn't sure so he just brushed it off.

That didn't work because he once again had that feeling. Something wasn't right and he knew it. But what? All seemed fine.

His head began to pound so he asked the teacher if he could go to the restroom.

He stood in the bathroom over a sink. He couldn't get rid of this headache. In fact it seemed to be getting worse by the second.

He began to feel dizzy so he closed his eyes and splashed water in his face.

And then he saw it

The roof

The blood

The body


He quickly ran outside of the bathroom heading for the stairs. He wasn't sure what it was that he just saw but he knew he had to go to the roof. Something was wrong.

He sprinted up the stairs almost like his life depended on it. He slammed the roof door open and then his face went from concerned to terrified.

There he stood, Tadashi Yamaguchi right at the edge of the roof.

Tsukishima quickly ran towards Yamaguchi and pulled him back. He held onto him for dear life, not planning on letting him go anytime soon.

Yamaguchi didn't say anything, he just cried. The two held onto each other in a tight hug. Tsukishima ran his hand through Yamaguchi's hair whispering 'its ok' over and over trying to calm him down.

Eventually, they broke apart and Yamaguchi looked at Tsukishima with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry Tsukki..." He said quietly.

Tsukishima just stood up and grabbed Yamaguchi's hand. "It's alright Tadashi. Come on, let's get out of here."

They both walked hand in hand back inside.


Yay Day 3 is finished. Hope you all enjoyed this one. Stay safe everyone. Love you all❤️


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