The big day (Dean X Reader)

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We added a few finishing touches to the look like jewelleries and head piece. "What do you think?" I ask "I think it's time to go see Dean. Ready for the first look?" Jody asks and I nod.

Dean's POV
I promised myself that I ain't gonna cry today but I am already getting emotional. Just thinking about how beautiful she will be. When my mom called, she told me that she is a hundred times better than I've imagined. I can't wait to be her husband.

"Wow, you're glowing man. Ready for the big moment?" Sam asks "You have no idea. How do I look?" I ask "Great. But still (Y/N) can certainly do better" he says and I chuckle "I know she does" I say and I look myself one more time in the mirror making sure that everything is perfect. "Ready for the first look?" he asks "Yeah, let's go".

Your POV
While walking downstairs, I felt my heart beat faster and faster. I was really anxious for this first look. Mary and Charlie had gone downstairs before us so they could put Dean in a position that he can't see me coming. "Everything will be fine" Jody that was with me says and I nod.

‌We enter the room and I see Dean who has his back turned to me. In there was also Mary, Charlie, Sam and Cas. I felt my eyes get watery again "God, I am already crying" I say and all of them laugh. "I'm not supposed to talk, aren't I?" I ask "It's ok" Mary says and I nod. I walk slowly to Dean "Ok, turn" I say and he does.

He looked at me head to toe. "Wow" he says and I giggle like a 4-year-old. "I love you so much" he says with watery eyes. And I felt my eyes get watery again "You can't cry" I say "Why?" he asks "Because then I'm gonna cry again. I've already been crying a lot today" I say and he chuckles. I turn around and look away from him in order to stop myself from crying. "Ok, ok, not crying" he says turning me around and takes a deep breath. "Wow, I lasted like 10 seconds" he says and I chuckle "That's what he said" I say and he chuckles. We look at each other and smile. I was so freaking happy that moment. "You look amazing" he says "I love you so much" "Hey if you don't want me to cry you can't say that you love me like that" he says and I chuckle.

"Ok, time to say bye now because it's time for the wedding" Charlie says "See you there" Dean says "See you" I say. He and most of the people that were in the room leave except Charlie and Sam who were my maid of honour and Dean's best man. A few minutes later my dad came too and we were ready to walk down the aisle.

I hold my dad "Ready?" he asks and I nod. Walking to Dean, I tried really hard not to cry again but it wasn't easy. My dad and Dean shaked hands "Take care of her and make her happy" dad says. I didn't except that from him to be honest. "Of course, I'll do my best" Dean says. I take Dean's hands and the ceremony starts.

"It's time for the couple's vows. (Y/N) would you like to start?" "Sure" I say and I take a deep breath "Dean Winchester, that name that every hunter has heard at least once. So when I finally put a face on that name, I was shocked. How can someone be this handsome? I think that I was falling for you since that first moment even if you stole my case. That's why I stuck around for a while and it took you long enough to notice it. But the waiting was worth it because when it started I was sure that either it's gonna be really good or it's gonna end badly. And I still don't know what is gonna happen and I'm scared but I'm willing to take that risk with because I love you. And you're the only man that can take my stubbornness and my nerves. I love you so much Dean. You're everything I've ever dreamt of. You make me so happy. And I want to thank you for everything. For opening up to me and showing me your soft and caring side that is hidden by that strong and hard to break hunter. And I love both sides of you because you can kill monster but you can also be supportive and caring. I promise to try to give you as much love as you give me and make you as happy as you make me. I love you baby". At this point tears are streaming down my cheeks and Dean's eyes are red and watery.

"The truth is that I prepared something but I think I'm gonna improvise. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)... Wow, where do I start? To be honest, the first time we met I was kinda wishing you would stick around because I was amazed by you. But I didn't pay much attention to this feeling I had when you would walk in the room. So when I noticed that you were responsible for that feeling, I had to do something. And look at us now. Today I'm getting married to the most beautiful, smart and caring person I've ever met. Thank you for staying with me even when you found out about how messed up I am. I promise to love you, keep you safe and take care of you forever. I love you so freaking much (Y/N)" a few tears had escaped his eyes.

After we exchanged rings the ceremony was almost over. "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" and with that we finally kissed. "I love you so much" Dean says "I love you too" I say as one more tear escapes my eye. Dean picked me up and carried me out of the venue and in the Impala. I look myself in the view mirror and I wipe my tears while Dean gets in the car. "You're beautiful" he says and kisses my cheek "I hate you because you make me cry all day and I'm destroying my make up more and more" I say and I look at him "I love you" he says "I love you too" he says and we kiss again.

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