The Maze

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Charlie was sitting at a bench eating nachos with Alice. They where the only ones who had weird feeling about their situation. Dallas, Michael and Tabitha, didn't care much. All it meant was free food, rides, and no school. That was good enough for them.

Corby on the other hand, was the happiest one their. It was obvious she had been craving social interaction, and having them here satisfied that hunger greatly.

There weren't many rules. There was five actually:

Rule number 1: Mean Words mean a pie to the face.

Rule number 2: fun is mandatory.

Rule number 3: keep the carnival clean by using the trash cans.

Rule number 4: Don't ask where Corby sleeps (that is considered an offense for some weird reason, idk I needed a fourth rule)

And finally the most stressed one of all,

Rule number 5: Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, go into The Maze!

The Maze was essentially the ride junk yard. Is where all the broken and spare parts of the rides and food stands go. From wheels to withered bumper cars, it's a carnies worst nightmare.

It didn't even look appealing to begin with. It looked kinda sad. Not to mention the fact that for some odd reason, the sky above it was a dark yellow color, with gray clouds and no sun. Also, you could see sharp metal sticking out of it.

It wasn't the appearance of The Maze, or its contents that made it restricted and dangerous. It's what lives inside.

Over the years, Corby had encountered the horrific behind the scenes action of her little coma fair going on. In there she put all the things that aren't very appealing to children. From The Freak Show to the monochrome clowns, she put them all in here and locked them away, so the happiness and safe feeling of her carnival could stay just and right.

"So. I wonder how we get out of here. " Charlie asked quietly.

"Maybe we have to be put in another coma to her back to real life-" Alice was cut of by Corby who appeared next to her.

"But wait. If you got here through a coma, and think getting put into another coma, will take you back to real life, doesn't that mean that there is a possibility that this is real life? Maybe you have been in comas this whole time, and in what ever life you came from was actually fake and when you got put into comas it took you here to this place that might actually be the real world? Orrrrrr maybe it's the other way around. Maybe this isn't reality. But maybe it is. Or is it? Oh this is confusing me!" Corby squeaked and got up. She walked away talking to herself.

Alice was staring of into the space behind Charlie. She pondered the possibility of this being real life. Charlie snapped his fingers in her eyes. Alice quickly snapped back to there current reality.

"Back on topic." Alice said. "we can't stay here forever."

Alice was a clown, a real joker, but when she wanted to be serious, she was. And everyone could tell when she was serious. Once, she had the whole class laughing at one of her dark humor jokes she had told about once or twice. Only thing was, it wasn't a joke. It was a personal story. It took people a few minutes to realize she wasn't laughing. When they saw her "bro I'm about to send you to the moon with a bloody nose." look, they shut right up.

"Yea I guess. But can we at least have fun while we are here?" Charlie asked.

"Well no shit sherlock. It's freaking carnival. " she snickered. "but...don't you think it's a bit suspicious that the crazy chick locked up all the other carnies? And why isn't there anyone else here? And more importantly, why can't we see the other carnival people like the clowns, or the street performers? Where are they?" Alice asked narrowing an eye.

Those where pretty good questions. questions only Corby had the answer too.

"Why don't you just ask her?" Charlie said yawning.

"I don't know...Maybe it's because I have a thing with Carnies...." Alice said quietly.

Yes she did wonder why all the carnies where gone, but that didn't mean Alice liked them. In fact it was one of her fears, and she mentally punched Her self for asking.

"Wow. This place must suck for you then." Charlie smiled at her.

"No. It's actually really fun. I just don't like clowns. " Alice shrugged.

Charlie looked of in the distance. He was staring at the entrance to the maze. It's large barbed fences, and pointy spikes coming from the gates, made it look condemned and evil. Except something wasn't right. Something was of. The gate door was open.

Charlie looked around. He counted five people. Himself, Alice, Corby, Dallas and Tabitha. Some one was missing.


He gasped and jumped up. Charlie ran to Corby who was sitting on top of a kettle corn booth.

"Corby!" He yelled up.

Corby looked down and grinned happily. She waved down.

"Hey hey hey kiddo! What's up?" She asked swinging her legs.

"The gates to The Maze is open and Michael is gone!" Charlie replied. he looked worried.

Corby gasped. She hopped down of the booth and took of running to the entrance of The Maze.

The gates where open wide now. the quiet hymn of The Maze gave Corby a dead feeling inside. She looked down. The soil of The Maze was always damp and wet a little. Shoe prints where in the ground. Corby looked back up and into The Maze.

Michael had gone in there. And Corby knew getting him out wouldn't be an easy task.



So.....22 reads........

MOST READS EVER ON ANY OF MY STORIES! Heckles ye! You guys's are awesome! So I thought I'd pump out this chapter as a thank you!

However, I am suffering from a severe case of School..........

And writers block........ @&$# !

Anyway, I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible! And again thanks for 22 reads! You guys are amazing!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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