tears and pleads wont bring your son back

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The life moniter by Charlie's bed chirped. It remnded his sobbng and cryng mother, that charlie was in a coma, and would he for a very long time. Her havy mascara made black rivers down her cheeks.

"Charlie!!!!! pleeeeease come back to us! " She cried.

Her husband pat her back, trying not to cry.

The doctor came in. Charlie's mom jumped up. She looked at him.

"Please tell me you have good news doctor!" The worried mother squeaked

The Doctor sighed. "Miss, your son was hit by a bus going over the speed limit in a school zone. He has a brain injury None of the less and has a fractured skull. The skull fracture is minor though and it's merely a chip. It won't cause any damage to Charlie Mrs?"

"Dylan. Marie Dylan"

"Mrs Dylan. Your son is lucky to even be alive. " The doctor said putting his clip board under his arm.

"Do you know how long he will be under?" The mom asked with a small hint of hope in her voice.

"I'm sorry Mrs Dylan we don't. Comas can last from a few days, to a few weeks, to a few months, to a few years. They are unpredictable most of the time. The best thing you can do is hope for him to wake up soon. I have to go. And I'm sorry but we need to get Charlie into a different room." Some nurses came in. Mr and Mrs Dylan nodded. They left. Marie was sobbing more than before.

They sat on a bench in the hall. Marie pulled out a paper. It was a picture of a rose that Charlie has drawn for her on Mothers Day. She smiled at it, remembering how happy she was when she got it from her son.

Two police officers came over.

"Are you Mrs Marie and Mr John Dylan?" The small pudgy one asked.

"Yes that's us." Mr Dylan said.

"We have news on the man that hit your son." The tall one said. "The bus drivers name was Clarence Feilds. He was drunk. He had had a little too much in his coffee this morning. Mr Fields was gong about five miles over the limit with no adolescents on board the bus. Four other kids where hit. Alice Thayer, Dallas Chambers, Michael Parish, and Tabitha Parish. We have asked the other parents if they wanted a law suit against Mr. Fields. Now we are asking you."

The mom kept sobbing. The father patted her back.

"We will get back to you on the matter of a law suit. But thank you for your consideration." Mr.Dylan said.
Lol sorry for this chapter being so cringingly short. It's just im tired and I want to get to the good part. this is more of a transition chapter than a real one. sorry XD.

Authors note: I'm writing another note 4 days after this chapter was uploaded. I DREW THE ROSE AT THE TOP IF YOU STEAL IT ILL BE REALLY ANGRY AND CRY! So please don't :) thank you, you may continue scrolling.

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