{15} ~ Bakugo Vs. Uraraka ~

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"You wanted to fight me. You're to blame" he said, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked towards you.

I'm a girl his old friend and he didn't even hold back on me . Not like I was expecting him to , he's amazing. Poor Uraraka doesn't stand a chance against him .

~ Flash Forward ~

Bakugo continues to throw explosions at Uraraka as she continues to run toward him . It's hard to see with all that smoke , wait a minute wasn't she wearing a jacket? Shit ! It's a distraction! Bakugo look out !, you thought as she floated towards Bakugo. Luckily he notices her behind him and sends her flying with another explosion.

Way to go Bakugo!, you thought as you cheered your friend on from the stands.

"Damn, Bakugo really doesn't hold back against anyone does he?" Denki said from behind you.

You growled, a snarl forming on your face.

"Would you hold back you blond idiot? You lost your match, so you should shut the fuck up before I make you."

Denki looked taken aback, and he shut up, looking down.

"Way to put him in his place (Y/N)" Kirishima smiled.

"You don't talk crap about my friend in front of me, so of course I would put him down."



Bakugo's POV ~

She continued to run towards me as I continued to throw explosions left and right .

" Looks like she's not resting between attacks despite being exploded the poor girl . " Mic annouced.

" Listen kid! You really wanna be a hero , then stop attacking like a bully ! If you're so good, just send her out of bounds! " I heard someone shout from the crowd , making the stadium go quiet. As if they'd stop me , not a chance !

" The crowds now booing Bakugo. And honestly I kinda agree with what they're saying . Hey woahh what the crap! " Mic yelled .

" Where's the man that started this uproar ? Are you a pro? Because if you're being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape . I suggest looking into a another
career. " A loud voice said over speaker .
Mr. Aizawa? What's he got say ? I thought.

" Bakugo's fierceness is an acknowledgment of his opponents strength. He knows she deserves to have made it this far. So he's making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top. "

We're not finished , she's still standing she's not dead yet. I thought .

" I think it's about time . Thank you Bakugo for keeping your eyes focused on me ." She said.


I look up and see a bunch of rocks and debris coming straight at me. Tch. So annoying. I figured she had some kind of stupid plan to defeat me. She is friends with that damn nerd after all. I hold my hands up in the air and wait for just the right moment .

Your POV ~

You watch in awe at the Meteor shower and see Uraraka running towards Bakugo , thinking this is her shot. When suddenly a huge explosion goes off and you watch the debris and Uraraka gets blown away. You notice Bakugo's breathing and he's holding his arm close to him. He's at his limit . You thought. You keep watching and notice Uraraka is back on her feet , wanting to continue fighting but she falls to the ground again .

" Uraraka is down ! " Mic yells over the speaker.

It's to much . She's at her limit. Bakugo won this fight. You thought.

Midnight walks on the stage and holds her hand up to stop Bakugo. Are you fucking serious ? He wasn't going to attack her , he knew she was finished, you thought.

" Uraraka is KO'd , that means Bakugo is the winner ! " She announces.

Bakugo walks off the stage and you run out of the stands hoping to catch him.

" Bakugo ! " You yelled as you he approached you.

" Way to go , I was very impressed. " You say , as your cheeks start to heat up .

" Thanks dumbass. " He says with a blush on his face.

" Let's go get you healed up ." You say grabbing his arm.

You hear him hum in response and the two of you head to Recovery Girl's office.


You and Bakugo walk back to the stands after Recovery Girl heals him.

" Hey Bakugo playing the villain huh? Must've been tough. " Sero teased.

" Even if was just who you were up against you still made a pretty convincing bad guy ." Asui chimed in .

"Shut up you idiots or else !" Bakugo yells annoyed.

You and Bakugo take your seats and you here him mutter something under his breath "I definitely wouldn't call that girl frail ." As the two of you look toward the stage.

Third person POV ~

Round two is about to begin. Midoriya Vs.Todoroki Who will win this round ?

She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin