{51} ~ Shishikura Vs . Bakugo ~

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A/n ~ We hit 14K today wow I can't believe how good this book is doing anyway Last one for this week but we'll see what happens enjoy everyone :)

~The Industrial Zone ~

Your POV ~

"I think that's the last of them, you take their points Shoto." You said.

"Are you sure Y/N we did this together." He said.

"I'll take a few, but after that I'm going to find Katsuki." You said.

He nods in response and the two of you take the points.

"I'll see you back in the Ante Room Shoto!" You yelled running in the opposite direction.

"See you Y/N be careful, or that hotheaded boyfriend of yours will kill me." He yells running the other way.

"Heh. I will." You said.

Katsuki here I come.


Now where did that hothead boyfriend of mine run off to ?

"Shut up!"

That's Katsuki but where is he yelling from?

*Clang** Clang*

You see a latter in front of you.

"It's coming from up there I found you." You said beginning the climb up the latter.

I'm coming Firecracker.

Katsuki's POV~

After letting Firefly go with Icyhot I found myself in front of a latter leading to a city along with weird hair.

I wonder how Firefly's doing on her own. Icyhot better be protecting her.

Dammit I want her to be by my side instead of his . Focus Katsuki and climb up this damn latter.

Me, Weird hair, and now Dunce face are climbing up a ladder to a city.

"Hey Kaminari why did you follow us?"Weird hair asked.

" I don't know because you guys started running, I didn't want to end up alone. Where are we going?" Dunceface said.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled.

" Why do you always got to sound so mad?"Dunce face asked.

"I told you to chill out Bakugo looks like there's alot of people up there so the three of us should work together. " Weird hair said.

"GO DIE!" I yelled stomping away.

"Come on man... Look Out !" Weirdhair said pushing me out of the way.

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