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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

I shot up, taking in a gasp. My chest heaved and I curled my legs close to me. I held onto the metal lining my legs, clenching it in my grip as a sob wracked through my body. I curled into myself, chest aching for my next breath as I cried. All I could see over and over was the look in Newt's eyes, the anger, the hurt. All I could see was the little boy I first met, way before the mazes, before the messed up trials. The same boy that gave me my first kiss in the dark of our shared room, that held me through my nightmares, the one who sacrificed as much for me as I have for him. 

I ran my nails up and down the side of my leg, thinking of Newt, replaying the scene I had dreamed over and over again. I couldn't decipher if it was real or not, if Tommy would really kill Newt if Newt asked him to. It left me questioning if I could've if Newt needed me to. I tried to reach to him with my mind, trying to reason that he could answer, that everything was okay.  But all I could grasp was an emptiness, a nothing. I clenched my eyes shut, biting my lip. I could taste the blood I drew as I leaned back, sucking in another breath as I tried to blink my tears away. This was when I realized I wasn't in the operation room anymore. I wiped quickly at my eyes, shakily standing up and leaning against the wall. Around me was stone, the familiar setting of the Maze before we had escaped. 

"No. God, no." I whispered, turning in my spot, taking in the soft vines, the sun shining over part of the wall. "Why am I here? What did I do to get put back?" I yelled out, anger and sadness bubbling in my chest. I hated WICKED. If Newt was truly gone, it was their fault. Everything was because of WICKED. 

I glanced down, seeing a trail of maroon, almost faded now from the rain and being ran over, but I would always recognize it. This was the same trail Tommy and I had followed what felt like years ago, the same one I made myself after the Griever bit me. I sniffled, wiping at my eyes once more, then I followed the trail. 


When I turned the last corner, I expected a demolished Glade to come into my sight, one that was empty and dead. Instead, I could see the people bustling around the place, some adults, some children. I took faster steps out of the Maze, drawing attention to some of the people. I could see some of them falter, send me wide eyed looks. 

"Who are you?" A girl stepped forward, her dark curls reflecting in the sun. 

"I'm- I'm (y/n)." I looked around the area, taking in the repaired buildings and garden. It was like we had never left. 

"Why are you coming out of the walls? We haven't sent anyone out there." I shook my head, facing her again. 

"I'm not from your group. This... this place used to be my home." I shifted on my feet. More people had drawn closer to listen to me. "That was until it was destroyed. That back there, it's a Maze. It's the way out of this hell hole." I pointed back to the doors I had just come from. The girl tilted her head. 

"How am I supposed to trust you? You come through those walls, not the Box, and you look like a mess, have weird tech all over you that looks like the same kind we get from the Box. What gives your proof that you aren't tricking us?" I stayed quiet for a moment, unsure of what to say. I had no one else with me to prove my credibility. 

"When I left, there was a wall with our names in it. We all carved our names there before everything..." I stared down at the ground, thinking of the day we had escaped the Maze, the Gladers who had died, the ones we left behind. "Before everything went to the klunk it is now." 

"What makes you think it is still there?" I shrugged, meeting her eyes again. 

"If WICKED left everything else as it was, I assume they didn't have time to fill in a wall. They're trying to work fast. They're scared." The woman frowned. 

"Then take us to it."


"You've left the area by this door untouched?" I questioned as I came closer to the wall. 

"There was never a reason to come near it. The door over here has been closed." I absent-mindedly nodded my head as we came closer to the closed door. 

"Makes sense. This is the door we escaped through." She didn't respond. "I never got your name." Again, she was quiet. 

"My name is Felicity." She finally answered. I nodded my head. I could faintly see the names etched in the stone, still here. I let out a sigh.

"There it is." I picked up my pace, rushing to the wall. Memories washed over me, ones of watching names being etched into the stone or crossed out. My night with Newt stood out to me, confessing my nightmares to him. I gulped down my tears as I came to stop, only inches away from the wall. I brushed my hands over the letters of my name. "Here's my name." I glanced over the other names, ran a hand over Newt's name. I tried to reach for him again, feel something, but still came up with nothing. 

"I assume he meant something to you?" Felicity asked, breaking up our silence. 

"He meant everything to me." I whispered, blinking back tears. I pulled my hand away from the wall. 

"All of these names, were you the only girl?" I nodded, finally finding it in me to face her again. Felicity was frowning as she stared at the wall. 

"Until the end, when Teresa came up, but we escaped pretty quickly after that." Felicity turned to me again. 

"Why did you escape though? I mean, telling by the different wear in each of these names, you guys came here at different times. Supplies are given to us for the most part. Isn't it safe here?" Felicity questioned. I shook my head. 

"Not at all. These are trials." I answered. 

Publish Date: December 8, 2020

In the End (Newt x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant