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~ Newt's P.O.V. ~

Janson flattened a paper that lay on the table, clearing his throat again. I glared at him as he looked up. 

"The following people are not immune: George, deceased." I felt (y/n) stiffen by me and I grabbed her hand, trying to comfort her. I knew part of both of us knew he had the Flare while in the Maze after we saw Cranks for the first time. "Clint, deceased. Clarity, living." A girl beside us gave out a panicked cry. "Frypan, living." I turned, looking back at him with wide eyes. He was looking down at the floor. "Julianna, living." The smaller girl that (y/n) had pointed as Chuck's partner burst into tears. "Chuck, deceased." My heart clenched and (y/n) squeezed my hand. "Newt, living." (y/n) shouted out in surprise, and I pulled her close to me, not knowing what else to do. "(y/n), living." (y/n) started crying and a different kind of ache came to me, like someone had punched me in the gut and I wasn't able to recover. I led (y/n) out of the room. 


"They never told us who was immune and who wasn't." I held (y/n) close to me as we sat outside the doors of the room. Faintly, I could still hear Janson talking, but I wasn't sure what he was saying. I rubbed (y/n)'s arm as she clung to me. "I don't understand though, why would they go through all that trouble to fix me if I'm not immune and I'm just supposed to die?" (y/n) pushed away from my chest. "I mean, yes, they tell us about making a cure all the time, but I think everyone is just losing hope in it now. I just... I don't want to die. I don't want you to die." I moved to cup her face.

"You won't. We won't. I promise." (y/n) shook her head with a pout.  

"You can't promise that." I pulled her closer to me, my eyes searching her. 

"I just did." I gently pulled her into a kiss. She hummed, arms loosely wrapping around my neck. Seconds later I pulled away, placing a hand against her leg as she curled back into my chest. I could feel the thin layer of metal lining her skin.

"Are you able to feel your leg?" I asked (y/n), trying to change the subject. She turned her leg, showing the lines of metal crossing and connecting both sides of her leg.

"Sort of. It's like... when your limb falls asleep I guess." (y/n) put her leg back down, curling it back towards us. 

"It's amazing that you can walk now." I murmured. She nodded. 

"But now I won't have an excuse to have you carry me." She smiled at me as I laughed. 

"I'll still carry you, love." 

"I know." We sat in silence after that, my hand trailing up and down her back as she laid against me. Soon, the door to the room opened. Leading the way out was the Janson, then the guards, then the Gladers and Group B. I stood up, then helped (y/n) up. Half of the group either had blank looks on their face or they were crying. The other half looked worried, some comforting those who were crying. (y/n) and I stood for a moment, clenching our hands together until the end of the group came into sight, where Minho and Tommy were walking. Tommy was looking at the ground. Minho was looking ahead, an angry look on his face. 

"Is it just me or has Tommy been off?"

"To be fair, I was too when you were gone."

"But Tommy feels... different. Something happened with Teresa." (y/n) led me to follow Minho and Tommy.

"Minho, wipe that expression off your face. Where are we going?" Minho's scowl dropped as him and Tommy looked back at us in surprise as if they hadn't heard us coming behind them, which was impossible because of the little click the metal on (y/n) legs made, as well as the slight thump of my limp. 

"We're being taken to where they'll take out these devices and give us our memories back apparently. Janson touched on the whole partner thing too, reconnecting with them and whatever." Minho paused. "How are you not angry? You guys... you aren't immune." (y/n) scoffed. 

"Yeah, so we've heard. Was Ben immune?" Tommy nodded his head. 

"There are a couple sibling groups here, and a lot of them had one immune and the other not immune." 

"The question is, why would they do that?" I received no answer as we entered another larger room. 

"I definitely do not want them inside my shucking head ever again." Minho muttered and I nodded. 

"Me either." (y/n) looked away from us and Tommy looked at the ground. 

"Are you guys serious? You want them in your head?" Minho scoffed with a glare. 

"I don't, I just... I don't know." I saw Tommy look past Minho at Teresa. 

"He misses her." I looked to (y/n) as Minho turned to her, an expectant look on his face. 

"Well?" (y/n) shrugged. 

"It's kind of too late. The memory device implanted in my brain was faulty. They took it out already. All I have left is the device that connects me to Newt." 

"You let them take your memory thing out?" The tension that quickly built between the two was thick. 

"Well, technically no, but if they had asked, there was no point in keeping it in was there? I remembered most things anyway." Minho's face twisted back into a scowl. 

"Don't tell me you're going to be another Teresa." Tommy scoffed, looking to Minho. (y/n) glared.

"Excuse me?" I glared at Minho with her, then I stepped in front of her. 

"Minho, back off." 

"Don't get mad at me just because your girlfriend trusts the enemy." Minho returned my glare, crossing his arms. 

"(y/n) never said she trusted them." 

"It looks and sounds like it. She has their technology all over her!" I stepped forward, a growl in my throat. (y/n) grabbed my arm, pulling me back. 

"You should really learn to slim it, Minho." (y/n) told him in a low voice, then her and Tommy led me away.

"I'm not expecting you guys to let them operate on you." (y/n) said in a quiet voice once we reached the opposite side of the room from Minho. Tommy nodded, looking back.

"I know," Tommy said, "but Teresa does." I turned, watching as Teresa walked towards us. Her eyes stayed on Tommy. 

"What are you going to do?" She asked almost immediately, eyes flickering briefly to (y/n) and me, then focusing back on Tommy. 

"What are you going to do?" Tommy asked instead of answering her. 

"I'm going to do it. We need our memories back so we can be smart about things. Decide what to do next." Tommy swallowed, looking down as he looped his thumbs into his pockets. 

"Tommy looks so dejected." (y/n) noted in my mind and I subtly nodded.

"I don't think we're going to do it. I don't trust WICKED and neither does Newt." Tommy answered Teresa, seeming to try and pull himself together as her face fell. 

"What about (y/n)?" Teresa looked at (y/n). (y/n) shrugged. "The device was faulty so there was no point in keeping it in there anyway." Teresa seemed to lighten a little at this, nodding. 

"At least one person still has a good mind." Teresa looked to Tommy one more time, trying to make eye contact that he refused to give her. Teresa turned and walked away. 

"Hopefully my good mind stays for while." (y/n)'s voice sounded shaky, even in my head.  I pulled her closer to me. 

"Good that." I watched as Janson began to go from group to group, asking their decisions on if they would get the device removed or not. "Good that." I repeated, holding (y/n) closer. 

Original Publish Date: July 6, 2018

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