25. Staking a claim

Start from the beginning

"I thought we were making a deal right now? You're a business woman. I'm sure you can understand that. I will organize the event. Of course I will confirm everything with you. You'll need to have an hour of your day available for that purpose. I'd prefer evenings. We can talk over dinner. But you can decide when. I'll make myself available. In addition to giving me an hour out of your day up until the event, you'll accompany me as my date. It's only fitting both foundation heads go together. Lastly, this is more for selfish reasons, but I can't let the opportunity go to waste. I'm asking you for one full day of your time. You have the choice to refuse of course. I won't hold it against you. You can also decide when you want to give me that day whether before or after the event."

"What would this day entail?"
"I haven't decided yet." She sighed. "I'll think about it."
"Give me your answer over dinner."
"I already have plans for all of today."
"Call me with your answer then."
"I don't have your number."
"Don't you? I'd thought my background check would have provided you with all the basic information."
"Oh please. I haven't even opened the file yet. I'm too busy."

My eyebrow rose in an amused fashion. She covered her mouth realizing what she'd given away."What I meant was that," she stopped mid sentence. "You don't have to explain." I got to my feet. "I do think it's time I get back to my office. Your assistant must be getting blue in the face from waiting so long." She turned her head and looked at the woman who tried to look inconspicuous, before getting to her feet.

I moved closer to her. "I'm looking forward to working with you on the foundation." I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, lingering longer than necessary. When I pulled away I studied her expression closely. "You didn't slap me."
"Why would I? Kissing the cheek is the Italian way. Aren't you Italian? My uncle does it all the time. Since you're my grandfather's son, you're considered an uncle. I think I'll start calling you uncle Niko." Her laugh followed her as she disappeared behind the door to the side of her office. Uncle Niko? The hell she would!

My cheek felt hot. My body was reacting to him even if my heart didn't want to. My cheek had gotten pink because of his lips.

I stayed in the bathroom trying to talk myself down from the ridiculous thoughts going through my head. Once I was sure he was safely tucked away in his office on the first floor, I resurfaced. I had job interviews to do today and I hope I can get through a chunk of them before the day ends.

"What was Mr. Sexy doing up here?"
"How nice of you to show up at twenty minutes past nine, Taylor? One would think you were the boss of this establishment." He flushed. "I got stuck in traffic."
"So what?"
"What was he doing here?"
"It's personal."
"Oh? Do tell. You wouldn't be engaging in certain activities with Mr. Sexy on the side would you?"
"Don't let your imagination run wild. We have work to do." I walked away dismissing him and his ridiculous claims.

"How the bloody hell did someone of these people make it to the interview phase?" I flung another file on the reject pile. My head was throbbing. I'd been conduction interviews all day and have yet to see anyone worth potential. I hate to admit it, but I needed help. Maybe I just didn't like any of them. I'd find fault with every small detail. Their resume wasn't neat enough, or I didn't like their attire. The colour of their hair would bother me. I didn't like their smile or the way they sat. Bollocks! This was supposed to be easy.

"Yes, Ms. Paxton?"
"Cancel the rest of the interviews. Tell then we'll call when we've rescheduled."
"Yes, ma'am." My head was pounding. Today was a total waste and on top of it all I was starving. I plopped down heavily in my chair and rested my head on the desk. "Tough day?" My head shot up at the sound of his voice. I really wasn't in the frame of mind to deal with him right now. I needed to be armed and ready whenever I'm around Niko De Luca. Right now I was just tired and feeling defeated.

"Go away. I don't have the time to entertain you right now." He closed the door and walked over to me. I rubbed the side of my head. "How often do you get headaches?"
"I get headaches whenever I'm stressed. Now go away. You're just adding to that stress."
"Have you eaten?" I wasn't going to answer that. "Your face says you haven't. You didn't have breakfast either. It's almost five. You went the entire day without eating. Is this how you normally take care of yourself?"
"It's none of your business."
"It is my business. I've told you. I'm interested in you. Therefore I care about your well being. You don't seem to take care of yourself well."
"That's because I always have someone taking care of me!" I was startled by my outburst. I usually have a better handle on my temper. "You mean the boyfriend. Well he isn't here right now and you obviously can't seem to think about yourself long enough to even get food. Get up."

I sighed. Talking to him was using up way too much energy than I have. "Listen, De Luca." I got to my feet slowly and placed my palms on the desk. "I am not your responsibility. You don't get a say in how I live just because you want to screw me."
"This is not about me wanting to fuck you. This is about you not taking care of yourself. Do you think you can run a multimillion dollar corporation in this condition? How are you going to take care of your employees if you can't even take care of yourself? Now I'm giving you two options. You can either walk out here with me on your own, or I can carry you out. You can choose."

"Why are you doing this to me?" I closed my eyes and opened them again. "Someone needs to do it."
"I am not your responsibility!"
"I'm making you my responsibility. Get your things. I'm taking you to get food. You can glare at me all you want over dinner, just as long as you eat something." I didn't have the strength in me to argue with him anymore. My body was too weak. So against my better judgement I caved.

"Fine. If it will make you stop nagging me I'll go with you to eat."
"Thank you." I took up my purse and phone and moved from around the desk. After exchanging a few words with Madeline and Taylor I exited the building with him. When he opened the door for his car I got in without looking at it or acknowledging him. Once I was nestled against his plush leather seat I closed my eyes. He reached over and buckled my seat belt. I was too weak to even do that.

"I assume your security will follow?"
"What would you like to eat?" I managed to open my eyes briefly. "It doesn't matter. You decide."
"Do you always do that?"
"Let people decide for you?"
"It has always been that way. I had a nutritionist as a child. In boarding school, my best friend took care of what we ate. And in university my boyfriend did it."
"And now?"
"Now, my boyfriend still does it."
"But he's not here and now and I guess the reason you're eating poorly or not eating at all is because he isn't here to make the decision for you."
"What does it matter? I'm too weak to talk about this." I closed my eyes again. He sighed and drove off.

I found comfort in the silence that fell between us. Somehow inside the car seemed to block out the noisy London streets. Surprisingly we didn't go far. In about ten minutes the car stopped and he was opening my door. It took more energy than I had to exit the car. I swayed on my feet a little, feeling dizzy.

"Are you all right?" I nodded but swayed towards him. My palm rested on his shoulder for balance. "Kaitlyn?" He called my name questioningly but sounded far away. Black spots danced before my eyes. I shook my head trying to get rid of them and felt myself falling forward. "I don't think I'm all right," I found myself saying before pitching forward into his arms.

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