"Well, you wanted to do something else. So get up." She grinned. She literally had to drag Jisoo into the car but she succeeded. Not without a lot of whining from her side though. The whining didn't even stop once they were out, it just went on and on and on.
After a lot of aimless walking around on Miami beach and the mall, both of them were completely exhausted. They found a bench to sit on and almost threw themselves on it. They sat there for a while and they even watched the sunset. Lisa really enjoyed little things like these. She was a real sucker for natural things. Things that happened everyday, underrated things, things that would exist for as long as she did. Things she knew wouldn't ever leave her.
Jisoo nudged her shoulder and she turned to her and her face had the biggest grin on it.

"Look who it is." she simply said and nodded her head to the entrance of the cinema. Yeah, it was Jennie. She was sitting down on a bench with her legs crossed, obviously waiting. She was clearly nervous because she kept playing with her fingers and mumbling to herself. Lisa found it a quite .. adorable sight to be very honest, but that was something she would never say out loud. Ever. The girl was dressed nicely too, black skinny jeans and a white Tshirt. Very casual, but it looked very good on her.

Lisa found herself smiling, subconsciously. She told herself that it was because of the funny memory of the prior day. Yeah, that was probably it.. It didn't take Jisoo and Lisa long to find out why Jennie was there though. Jennie's face lit up as Chahee approached. She greeted the blonde girl in a hug and they linked arms as they walked the movie theatre. Jennie smile grew bright while the one on Lisa's face disappeared.

"That must be Chahee..." Lisa mumbled in herself. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she realised she was just slapped in the face with shock and just being plain wrong about Jennie not being able to get a date. Damn.

"What was that?" Jisoo asked, more confused than ever.

"No, nothing." Lisa mumbled again as she stood up and started walking away from Jisoo.

"Damn, girl. Where you going?!" Jisoo had to half-yell because Lisa was walking so fucking fast.

"We're gonna go see a movie!" She yelled back, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Oh my god, this girl." Jisoo mumbled to herself as she started going after her. In her head she knew she loved her more than anything though.

Lauren kind of crept up on Jennie and Chahee, she had to be very careful while she looked at which movie they went to. It was some kind of Rom-Com movie. Typical. She didn't know what got into her when she bought two tickets for the exact same movie. She was careful, but Jisoo on the other hand was not.

"Why the hell do we have to watch a movie, Lis!" She yelled as soon as she came through the entrance and everyone's heads turned. Fuck.

Lisa quickly looked around to see if Jennie was still around, and luckily she and Chahee were already in the hall where the movie was going to be played.
Lisa dragged Jisoo with her and bought her some popcorn that lightened up her mood.

"Here, now come with me and shut up." She said while dragging her with her into the hall.

"Remember, act like your undercover, Soo." Lisa whispered with a light chuckle.

"This movie sucks." Jisoo whispered back. Lisa decided to ignore him. Luckily, the lights in the hall were dimmed so they could sneak past Chahee and Jennie and sit behind them. Or above them, whatever you want to call it. She put her finger over her lips one more time as the movie started. Jisoo just rolled her eyes and shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

As the movie proceeded, Lisa just kept looking at Jennie and Chahee in front of her. She observed the way Chahee would obnoxiously laugh and shove Jennie's shoulder at a funny part, or lean in closer to her at a sentimental part. Or hide her face in Jennie's neck at a certain 'scary' part, that wasn't even that scary. Like, damn, how scary can a rom-com get? Chahee needs to chill. There was even a moment where Jennie did the whole 'I'm gonna fake-yawn and nonchalantly put my arm over your shoulder, so you won't notice but you'll still totally notice' thing. So cliché. It was tragic. Lisa had to actually struggle to hold in her laughter when that happened. She kept looking while Chahee kept leaning closer to the brown eyed girl. They need to chill. How close could two people get at the movies anyway?

Well, it looked like Lisa was about to find out because Jennie was slowly leaning into Chahee.
Holy fuck, she didn't expect that from Jennie...

"This movie is total shit, Lis." Jisoo said not-so quietly. Lisa was still focused on the almost-kissing girls in front of her and Jiss noticed.

"Jeez, are you even fucking watching?" She said growing a little frustrated. Her loud voice snapped Lisa out of her staring session and her first reaction was to shush her. Bad idea, because when she did the popcorn Jisoo had in his hand slipped and fell all over Jennie and Chahee, whose lips were almost touching.

"Uh-oh." Jisoo said. "You're screwed, Manonab." She chuckled, which pissed Lisa off. But it was the truth, she was caught.

"How the fuck am I sc-" Lisa started, but she was interrupted by the most annoying sound she had heard, ever. By far.

"Ohmygod!" Chahee squealed.

"Calm the fuck down. It wasn't like I threw Diet Coke all over your head." Lisa said very annoyed. And that's when Jennie turned around.

"You, again?" She said, she was angry as hell. It took a lot to get Jennie Kim angry but Lisa did effortlessly.

Jennie simply took Chahee by the hand and stormed out of the hall. Jisoo and Lisa shared a look and Lauren was a little bit confused as to what she had to do next.

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