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Evie Pov
Corbyn and i both sat on the couch still, we have just been asking each other random questions for the past half hour.

"So you live here with your brother, your dad and your mom correct?" Corbyn asked and my face dropped.

"Uh no...not my mom..." i said and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, does she live somewhere else, are your perants split up?" He asked and i shook my head.

"No um...she died six years ago" i said and Corbyn's eyes went wide in realization.

"Oh my god, im so sorry, that must have been so hard" he turned twards me more as i simply looked at the ground.

"Its okay, i dont like to dwell over it, that's one of the promises i made to her" i said as i looked up at him.

"Promises? What other promises, if i may ask?" Corbyn asked.

Its nice that he's making sure i am okay with telling him, a lot of people will try to but into it without thinking.

"Um, well since you already know what i am, even though i still dont, i might as well tell you" i said as i turned to face him completely.

"In her last moments, she told me i was special, she made it damn clear it was about this" i pointed at my wrist as i held it up.

"She said that things will not be easy and i will find out when i am older" i told him and he nodded.

"Jonah told us about her, she helped people escape vampire attacks when she could, she wasn't popular with the counsel, and clearly she knows what you are" Corbyn said.

"Why cant you tell me what i am?" I asked.

"Because i dont even fully know, Jonah does, he will give you answers soon" Corbyn said.

Then another memory popped into my head, 'there's a reason this tumor is in my head', my moms words played in my head.

"Uh my mom told me one more thing..." i paused and Corbyn nodded his head.

"She told me that there was a reason that she had a tumor in her head, thats how she died..." i said.

Corbyn looked to be in a deep thought, trying to make sense of what i just said as i scanned his eyes waiting for an answer.

"I dont know...i cant think of any explanation to that..." Corbyn said in confusion "I dont even know if Jonah will know".

"Lets just move to the next question" i said, hoping to change the mood.

"So about your werewolf eyes, whats with the different colors?" I asked.

"Oh well, Jonah has red eyes because he is an alfa, he is the strongest of all of us and a great leader" Corbyn said and i smiled.

"What about yellow and blue?" I asked and Corbyn had a hesitant look on his face, making me wonder if that was the wrong question to ask.

"Are your okay?" I asked him.

"Ya, im fine" he said but didn't look at me.


"I said im fine, it doesn't matter" Corbyn snapped.

He had a face of regret after seeing my shocked one.

"Im sorry...i just dont like to talk about it" he said.

"Corbyn, i told you about something i have never told another single sole, you can tell me" i said.

Corbyn looked at me taking a deep breath, knowing i was right.

"First of all, yellow and blue are beta eyes" Corbyn started.

"Yellow eyes mean that you have never killed an innocent person..." he paused and my mouth slightly gaped.

"Blue...blue means that, you have" Corbyn said as he looked at his feet.

He killed an innocent person? Why would he do that?

"W-why would you-"

"Kill an innocent?" He finished for me amd i clamped my mouth shut.

"I didn't mean to, i had no idea what i was doing. It was a full moon, i had just been bitten and i went crazy and all i wanted to do...was kill..."

I listened intently, i wanted to know more about his background.

"I ran out into the woods, a mans car had broken down on the side of an empty rode..."

"I couldn't stop myself as i attacked him...i watched as he took his last breath..." Corbyn said and it seemed as if it physically pained him to talk about that moment.

"Then Jonah had found me, he helped me out of it, his death was marked as an animal attack...but it was me...i did that" he said.

He blames himself, he thinks its his fault that he couldn't control himself.

He didn't choose this life, he was forced into it, much like me. I am being forced into this life, all because of a tattoo on my wrist.

"...i killed him..." Corbyn said.

I reached out twards him and took his hand, feeling the same dull pulsing.

He looked down at my hand in his and looked at me slightly shocked.

"Im sorry that happened, but its okay, you didnt know control, you probably didn't even know you were this" i said.

Corbyn squeezed my hand a bit and smiled lightly at me.

"Your not afraid?" He asked and i thought for a moment.

"No...im not, i learned the type of persone you are today, i know that you wont hurt me" i told him.

I knew that he was listening to my heartbeat, to see if i was telling the truth and i was.

"Thank you" he said.

I looked over at the clock, 10:27, it read.

"I better get to bed, i have school in the morning" i said and stood up, stretching out a bit.

"Your not gonna leave are you?" I asked as Corbyn stood up.

"Why would i? You dont want to be alone, just because your asleep doesn't make an exception" Corbyn said and i smiled and headed down the hall.

"There's a chair in my room if you want" i said as i opened the door.

There was a chair that hung from the ceiling, it was my favorite thing.

"Ooo, i love those chairs" Corbyn sais and sat down in it.

I grabbed my pajamas and walked into my walk in closet to change. Once i did i came back out to Corbyn resting his head on the side of the rope webbing of the chair.

I climbed into bed, pulling the blanket over myself.

"Goodnight Evie" Corbyn said.

"Night Corbyn" i said and yawned, i closed my eyes.

Corbyn is so incredibly different then what i had first thought him to be, he's funny, sweet and kind.

Its hard to think a person like him...had killed and innocent person. I clearly haunts him, much like how my past haunts me.

Him and i arnt acually that different and its a nice feeling, especially that he's here to help me feel safe.

Aw, thats sweet.
So, was it suprising to hear about his true past? And the meaning of the different colored eyes?

(I got the werewolf logic from Teen Wolf, you should go check it out)

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