Chapter 1

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Dedicated to LovedYouFirst_xox for making an awesome cover for this book. It meant a lot to me so thanks.

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of A lot has Changed.
"What do you mean we're moving? We've lived here all my life and now we have to move!" Does my mom seriously think she can tell me that us moving wasn't going to come to a surprise to me. This is my freshman year in high school. Of course I'm going to freak out.

"Honey, I know it's going to be tough but you can make friends. You're smart enough to catch up with the academics and making friends won't be that hard. You are going to love New York, I just know it"

"Easy for you to say. People hate me here so they might as well hate me in New York." I muttered understanding my breath as I walked up the stairs to start packing up my room. I passed pictures of when me and Dimitri were little and on a family vacation with our parents. One picture that I loved hung up on the staircase of when my dad took us to the beach one summer and Dimitri and I had tried to build a sandcastle and the water had crushed it.

"What was that!" My mother yelled up at me from the kitchen.

"Nothing, just talking to myself!" I yelled back at her.

"Don't tell other people that you talk to yourself. You won't make friends as fast as you would like to and I don't want people thinking I have a crazy daughter!" I heard my mother yell back at me.

I saw boxes and clothes scattered across my bedroom. This was not going to be an easy task to complete in a matter of weeks much less days.

"Did mom just tell you the big news?" I heard a voice say from the doorway. I turned around and saw my big brother standing there while he ate an apple. He's about 6 feet and a junior in high school. He's the athletic one in the family whereas I tend to keep to myself and read. He plays football and basketball and I don't participate in any sports. He's kinda built from working out with short brown hair with brown eyes.

"Yes, and I'm guessing you knew about this before today?" I said as I packed my books into cardboard boxes.

"Well, yes little sis. I tend to have to know these things since I'm technically man of the house."

"Uh huh, so since you're standing there, do you mind helping your poor sister pack her room?"

"No can do because I have to go pack my room and tell my friends that we're moving." My brother said as he walked out to his room. Suddenly I heard music coming from next door, blasting from the speaker.

"Mom! Can you tell Dimitri to turn down his music?" I yelled from my spot in the middle of my room.

"Get packing Danielle and stop worrying about what your brother is up to. As long as he's packing his room I'm fine."

I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat. I looked around my room to see what else I had to pack. All my books were packed so now left my clothes. The movers will pack up all the furniture in the house and anything we don't pack ourselves, so I just had to pack the necessities. As I looked around my room I realized how much I was going to miss it.

My room is a soft purple with white furniture to match. (Picture above) My room is a sanctuary for me. It's where I didn't have to deal with problems at school or worry about anything. It's where I grew up. I didn't mind moving away from this town, the students were cruel but it doesn't mean I wanted to move. I kept to myself and that's how I dealt with it. My mom doesn't even know that they torment me everyday but I don't want her to worry. Maybe this move will be good. As long as I never have to see those people ever again.

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