The Last Battle (Part 2.)

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'Opening' of this chapter: 'Hopes And Dreams + SAVE The World' (From the video game 'Undertale'.), Now, let the episode begin!

Our heroes found Risky and the others in Valencia's Plaça de l'Ajuntament (Town Hall Square), and they were ready to conquer this world. However, our heroes managed to destroy their tanks, but they managed to escape. Miguel and Wrench were facing off against Risky, Rottytops and Sky were facing off against Ammo Baron, Bolo was facing off against Techno Baron and Shantae was facing off against Nega-Shantae. Seeing Nega-Shantae dance to transform herself, Shantae did the same. Shantae transformed into her monkey form while Nega-Shantae transformed into her harpy form.

Nega-Shantae: Hahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that I've become a harpy, you won't be able to beat me!

Shantae: No way! (She approaches Nega-Shantae.)

Nega-Shantae: Hehehehe ... (She approaches Shantae.) Get ready!

Shantae: (She scratches Nega-Shantae with her claws on the right wing.) Take this!

Nega-Shantae: Ugh ... (She hits Shantae with her left wing.) I hit you back!

Shantae: Damn! That attack has been very powerful!

Nega-Shantae: Well be prepared, the next attack will be even more powerful! (She hits Shantae with her right wing.)

Shantae: Ow!

Nega-Shantae: And now ... (She grabs Shantae with her right paw.) Hehehehehehe ... (She starts flapping her wings, and soars up.)

Shantae: (She tries to break free.) Aaaargh! Let go! Wait, are you going to...!?

Nega-Shantae: I'm only going to do what you asked me to do.

Shantae: (Confused.) E-Eh ...?

Nega-Shantae: You'll see right now. (She throws Shantae to the ground.) Hope you like it!

Shantae: (She hits the ground.) Ouch!

Nega-Shantae: And now ... (She plummets.)

Shantae: (She gets up, and moves to the right) Ha!

Nega-Shantae: A-A-Aaah! (She hits the ground.)

Shantae: Take that!

Nega-Shantae: (She gets up.) Not bad, but not bad at all ... However, as you can see, it hasn't hurt me much. Shantae, get ready. This city will be your TOMB.

Shantae: Hah, you wish! (She goes towards Nega-Shantae.) Aaargh!

Nega-Shantae: (She avoids the attack and hits Shantae from behind with her left wing) You missed!

Shantae: Grrrr ....

Nega-Shantae: Come on, why don't you come over? Have you already tired?

Shantae: Ha ... (She goes towards Nega-Shantae at high speed.) You wish!

Nega-Shantae: Oh! (Shantae digs her nails into Nega-Shantae's face.) Aaargh, you bloody brat! You're blocking my vision!

Shantae: Oh wow, don't tell me! (Ironically) I didn't know!

Nega-Shantae: AAAAAAAARGH!

Shantae: Now you will see what is good! (She bites Nega-Shantae in the face.)

Nega-Shantae: ARGH! (She shakes her head.) GET OUT OF THERE!

Shantae: (She stops biting Nega-Shantae.) No!

Nega-Shantae: Ok, you wanted it! (She tries to hit Shantae with her right wing.)

Shantae: (She stops digging her nails into Nega-Shantae's face.) I've been forced to get out of there!

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