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Nerd - Izuku Midoriya x gn!reader (no pronouns used)

» Genre: fluff
» Requested (by anon): For the prompt thing: number 38 and 47 with Midoriya?
» Warnings: light anxiety and the tiniest mention of death
» Words: 1k

38. "You're such a nerd." // 47. "You're not making any sense."

It was way past the dormitories' curfew when you heard a knock on your door. It was a quiet, faint knock, three times, before there was silence again. Three knocks in the middle of the night was all it needed for you to drop your book in shock and hide under your blanket, holding your breath, your thoughts racing. Who was that? A villain? But villains would never knock on your door, so maybe it was a ghost? A demon? Or worse – Mister Aizawa? Even though you wanted to get your phone to call for help, you did not dare to move a finger.

Then, three knocks again. One, two, three. You flinched and closed your eyes, until- "Y/N?" The voice was quiet and barely audible. "Are you still awake?" You recognized that anxious-sounding voice immediately. Within a second, you threw back your blanket and stumbled barefoot toward your door. It opened with a silent creak. "Midoriya!" You whispered a little more aggressively than intended, even using his last name. Midoriya stood in the bright corridor in his pyjamas, laptop clutched to his chest. "What-," you took a deep breath to calm yourself down before continuing. "What do you want?"

With a flash of guilt in his eyes, he looked down at his feet dressed in All Might slippers. "Can I come in?" For a moment, you were not sure of what to do. A part of you wanted to tell him no, because you had school the next day, the other part of you could not just send your boyfriend away right now. You opened the door wide enough for him to step in. "Alright, come in." Midoriya's face lit up before he slipped through the door which you then closed again.

Finally able to speak a little louder again, you asked, "why didn't you send me a message to ask if you could come over? I almost had a heart attack when you knocked." You turned toward your bed again and were surprised when you saw Midoriya already seated on the mattress with his back against the wall and wrapped in your blanket. "Yeah I should have texted you, sorry about that," he told you. "But hey, check this out!" As you got comfortable next to Midoriya and got under the blanket as well, he turned on his laptop.

It took a few seconds until it started and Midoriya opened a video file. "What is it that you want to show me?" you questioned. "Oh, it's just-," even though Midoriya tried to hide it, you could clearly hear how excited he was, which made your heart skip a beat. "-I found this All Might interview from his early days that I had never seen before and it's so amazing, he is so amazing, and I've been watching it again and again and I need to show you!" You were not even surprised that this was the case and that he would stay up this late to watch it and to show you. "You're such a nerd," you mumbled and put your head on his shoulder. "Let's watch the video."

The quality of the video was bad, to say the least. It looked like someone had filmed it from the TV with a camera made in the stone age and the sound was just as bad. But it was obviously All Might who was speaking. He answered some basic questions about his career and how he got started as a hero, nothing too interesting to you. However, next to you, Midoriya was beaming. It was obviously hard for him to contain himself and to not pause the video every few seconds to overanalyse what was being said.

The video itself was only few minutes long and as soon as it stopped, your boyfriend exploded. He rambled about All Might, the way he talked and acted, what he said, his reactions, and compared it to the current All Might as well as all the other interviews he had watched before. You knew better than to interrupt Midoriya's rambling – besides that, it was extremely cute to watch him talk freely about what he was so passionate about, his eyes glowing with happiness and excitement. You listened to him this whole time with a tired smile on your lips, even though you could not follow everything he was saying.

"-and this is why," Midoriya concluded, a little out of breath, "I think that All Might has always been the best hero." "Yeah, but I disagree," you said with a yawn. "You see, All Might was great and all but there is this hero who is much bett-" Your boyfriend cut you off before you could finish. "Y/N, you're not making any sense! It's All Might we're talking about!" "You don't even know what I was going to say!", you argued. "Well, what were you gonna say?"

"That the hero student Deku grew up to be much greater than All Might, but since you interrupted me, I'm not saying that anymore." "Oh..." Midoriya pouted a little while you laughed. "Try again next time," you teased and Midoriya smiled as well. Your eyes fell on your watch and you sighed. "Izuku, I love you, but it's already three in the morning. I don't want to sleep in Aizawa's class tomorrow and I'm pretty sure that whoever sleeps next door now knows everything about All Might as well."

Midoriya nodded slightly. "Yeah you're right, we should sleep." He closed his laptop and yawned as well. "I'll see you tomorrow then – or rather a little later today." You chuckled and pecked his lips before he got up from your bed and put his All Might slippers on again. "Goodnight Y/N." "Night!" Before Midoriya closed the door behind him, he turned around once again. "Oh, about the suit All Might was wearing-," but he stopped himself. "I'll tell you tomorrow!" The door finally closed, leaving you in silence. He was such a nerd but that was what you loved about him.

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