sgetober day thirty: trial by tale

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You have to be okay.

I know we fought before, and I know I said some things before we went in, but you have to know I didn't mean jackshit, and you have to be ok. I really need you to be. We're both so separate, and I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you, something I could've prevented.

I need you to be okay. You're strong, even though others don't think it of you. I know you are. There's a defiance in your eyes, a eagerness to fight in you, and... and you have to be okay.

I can't even call out to you in the hostile environment, and shit, someones above me in the trees, and it occurs to me that I might be someone someone else is afraid of.

I slash my weapon, the cloth drops, and another name is eliminated. Yours is still there. Whereareyouwhereareyouwhereareyouwhereareyou?

I'm starting to panic now. The mantra in my head is rattling me, and I think the only thing keeping me from passing out is your name. You have to be okay.

And there's a body, in the clearing.

The thought that it could be trap doesn't cross my mind as a race to it. You have to be okay. Please, be okay.

And you're not there. It's not you, thankfully. But no one should ever feel that much pain, Ever, or Never. I pull the handkerchief out for them.

None of us were born with intent to hurt.

And it hits me that we're all just scared children in this forest.

You have to be okay. 

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