How wonderful it is to live in a world with October

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Authors note before you begin: Hi, so I am not catholic nor British so there may be so inaccuracies throughout the book; I do a lot of research to be accurate though. This is completely my own story and completely fictional. Any and all grammar/spelling mistakes are my own.  This book does deal with homophobia due to religious teaching, I am aware not all catholics are homophobia-nor is it my intension to paint the catholic religion as hateful; this is fictional with the religious aspects taken to the extreme.  If you are sensitive to homophobic language I wouldn't recommend reading. This book will have little to no smut in it. Come talk to me on my tiktok: (i will probably post some stuff about the fic there if you want more information)

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." 

- L. M. Montgomery

 One month at Devine Mercy boarding school and Louis wanted to die. I was like something out of a movie, truly. The long darkened hallways-just because the school was founded in the 1850s doesn't mean they can't afford to add some decent lighting, the wooden furniture that was worn and soft in many places, the carpet with intricate patterns laid across the floor, the great metal door handles, the old-fashioned lock on each dorm, the massive library and dinning hall-reminded him of Harry Potter if he was honest.

One month and October was here. October with her misty mornings the lawn covered in fog, the air brisk and colder then it should be-in Louis' opinion.

The campus was beautiful though, he could admit that. The towering buildings, and high walls surrounding the campus, the metal gate that lead out to the town-locked except on weekends, the grand windows illuminating the classes, the artful stain glass lining the walls of the mass. However, the status that littered the campus were creepy. Really, everyone knew this was a catholic boarding school, were the hundreds of status depicting virgin mary and just about every saint to have ever existed necessary? Louis supposed that in the summer they were pretty, when the flowers were blooming and it was warm and alive. During the month he'd been here though, creepy. Who wants virgin mary watching them everyday as they walk to class? Certainly not Louis.

Not like he had a choice when it came to that, just like he didn't have a choice about attending school, or mass each morning and evening pray, or curfew each night-yes also on the weekends. Not a lot of Louis' life was his choice.

Perhaps it would've been easier to just give in, try to enjoy it here, or at least not hate it. Louis has never been one to do things the easy way, and holding a grudge against his father-well he'd been doing that since he was thirteen, he could add sending him to this pretentious boarding school to the list of wrongs his father had done to him.

Louis had woken up to his dorm mate Todd's retched singing, seriously for someone who want's to go into musical theatre he could not sing. Louis had almost liked him too, he was rather pleasant when he wasn't butchering the greatest musicals known to man.

Funny enough Louis had his Music for Theatre that morning. He made his way briskly down the twisted path leading from his dorm building, Gildorf, to the main building which housed the library, mass, and main dinning hall.

They had morning mass at seven thirty each day (eight on the weekends). Unfortunately for Louis this meant waking up each morning at seven and hauling ass to get to mass on time and sitting through mass praying his stomach won't growl during silent prayer, then meeting up with Niall to grab breakfast at the dinning hall before his first class which started promptly at eight fifty each Wednesday and Thursday.

Shit, he was going to be late. The pathway was nearly empty, everyone else walking briskly along the path-not wanting to be that person to run. Thank god for Todd and his terrible singing which woke Louis up, the power had gone out sometime over night during the storm leaving his phone dead and no alarm to wake him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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