Feelings Overload-End

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Lemon-but a fluffy lemon lol.

It had been two hours at this party and Kid hadn't said a word to you since you arrived with the pizzas which had been eaten first since the bbq foods had taken a little longer to cook.

Bonney and Killer had gotten you and Wire to play a game of pool. You sucked so you and Wire were losing badly.

"I told you, you should've gotten someone else to be your partner Wire." You honestly felt bad about how bad you were losing. Wire patted your shoulder.

"I don't mind besides you're learning no one starts as a pro."

"Didn't you bet money on this game?"

"One a buck."

"You vote of confidence is very reassuring." Wire chuckled before lining up for his next shot. You were next he made it and you queued you your next shot. He noticed your tattoo.

"I like the sea turtle. Is it new?"

"Oh yeah, Kid actually paid for it as a birthday gift to me."

"Boss did?"

"Uh yeah..."



"Nothing just means that he likes you is all." You tried not to blush.

"Well yeah don't friends usually like each other?"

"True." Bonney said "But they don't usually kiss the other person to mark their territory around an ex boyfriend." Then she laughed. This time you did blush.

"Did you all see that?" They all nodded yes which made you turn even redder. "Ugh can we just focus on the game?" Killer ruffles your hair and pulled you in for a side hug.

"Can I talk to you later?"

"Uh sure will Bonney be okay with that?"

"Yeah I told her what I was going to talk about with you." He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. It was making you nervous.

"Umm okay."

Twenty minutes later Killer and Bonney kicked ass. You and Wire lost miserably. He didn't make you feel bad about it though.

You walked around the shop and saw a Kid with a woman on his lap. She was all over him and he was eating up the attention. It made you think of Zoro and you imagined that he and Robin did this plenty of times behind your back. You felt the sting of tears in your eyes. And walked out.

You walked out and saw a Weeping Willow you climbed and hid there for the rest of the time. Your car had been boxed in by other people and you needed to wait to be able to leave. After about 3 hours you realized that no on was going to leave and you'd be sleeping in your car.

You decided it was a good time to get down plus you were getting hungry. And the barbecue was smelling amazing.

"There you are!"

"Wah!" Your foot slipped from the last branch and you waited to hit the ground. Instead you felt two muscular arms catch you.

"Holy shit! You okay?" You opened your eyes and you were in Killer's arms and he was holding you bridal style. You felt yourself flush with slight embarrassment.

"Yeah I'm good sorry you startled me and well the klutz in me came out." You chuckled in an attempt to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. "Oh yeah you said you wanted to talk to me. What about?"

Your stomach growled now you full on blushed.

"Fahaha lets get you some food first." He continued for hold you.

KillerXReaderXKid AU (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now