Fights, Tools and crushes

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The photo above is what inspired this short story. I do not own it, credit goes to the original artist! I love it!!❤️❤️❤️

You sat on the swing early evening alone. Your (h/l) (h/c) blowing in the breeze. Goosebumps appearing on your (s/c). Your Uncle Rayleigh was supposed to pick you up from school, but like always he never showed up. Your friend Luffy said he and his older brothers would walk you home but you ran off with tears in your eyes.

You'd been there for over an hour just sitting in the tube between the monkey bars and the swings crying your eyes out. He promised he'd remember this time he promised! The thought only making you cry harder.

"Hey there's no one here! We can test it out!"

"Did you check everywhere Kid? We got in trouble last time remember?"

"Okay fine!"

You stiffled your cries and sat very still. You brought your legs up and put your head to your knees. If I'm still they won't know I'm here.

"Who the hell are you?!" Or not.

When you looked up you saw a boy about 3 years older than you, he had amber eyes and red hair that looked like fire and a pair of mechanic goggles on his head.

"I asked who are you?!" He yelled and in the tube it reverberated making you cover your ears.

"Don't yell in here dummy!"

"What'd you just call me?" He grabbed you and dragged you out of the tube and let you fall on your butt into the sand.

"Hey jerk! That hurt!" You got up and tackled him to the ground. At 9 years old your teachers complained about you being violent, but you only did that to kids who picked on your friends and bullies. You both started to roll around in the dirt when his friend older than both of you pulled you both apart.

"Kid stop! And you." He pointed a finger at you. "Quit it! He's not above hitting a girl."

"Bring it Red!" You clenched your fists and stuck your tongue out.

"Let me go Killer!" You stayed out of reach of his feet so he couldn't kick you, all while taunting him.

"Hey what's going on over there?" You all froze when you heard a yell. It was a police officer on patrol, he was tall with white hair smoking a cigar. Crud it's Smoker! "Y/N? What the hell kind of trouble are you causing now?" Smoker asked exasperated. The two boys shot you a look.

"Nothing much just playing around."

"Uh-huh sure. And you two didn't I warn you about testing your go cart here?"

"There wasn't anyone here and she started it!" The redhead yelled.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"ENOUGH!" You all winced at Smoker's voice, he was known for being a hard ass, but with kids he tried to have more patience. "C'mon I'm taking you all home."

You all three sat in the back of the police car. Smoker had made you and Kid (who you learned was the redhead's name), wash your faces in the water fountain. But your clothes were still filthy.

"Y/N wasn't Rayleigh supposed to take you out today for your birthday?" You felt the boys' eyes on you again.

"He forgot. I went to the park to be by myself." Smoker winced. He was usually the one on scene when you got into trouble. But he knew you wanted your uncle's attention. The old man wasn't abusive, just not good at remembering you were there a lot of the time.

KillerXReaderXKid AU (Short Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ