Chapter 3

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Y/N walked into the room to find a sniffling Sam and Flynn, sobbing boys and a tearful yet done-with-the-boys-bullshit Julie. "Uh, you guys okay?" She turned to Sam with a sigh, an exasperated already painted on her face. "What did you do? I leave you alone with guests for 5 minutes! How?"

"That was beautiful, sing it again!" Sam staggers over to Y/N and yanks her toward them by her shoulders, sniffing whilst giving her puppy eyes. "No, you big baby, and besides you've got a customer waiting," She gestured to the door, "Out!"

"Meanie..." Sam pouted before walking out, making sure to drag their feet and look at Y/N with their puppy eyes the whole time. She glared them out of the door, before turning the group of tearful teenagers. "Alright, enough crying it's time to explain." Y/N turned and sat on a chair opposite the couch, the group just standing, not knowing what to do, "Some time today would be nice." A slight laugh escaped her.

The two girls sat on the sofa whilst the boys sat around, an awkward silence ensued. "So...uh, you gonna explain or?" Y/N trailed off, eyebrows raised.


"Well the thing is-"

"Where do we start, well my mom gave birth to me-"

"Guys, chill." Julie turned to me, trying to stay calm but the crease in her brow said otherwise, "These guys are ghosts, they died in 1995. Uh, people can only see them when they play music...with me. Otherwise, they're just floating music. I can see them, probably because I summoned them but no one else, not even Flynn, can see them...apart from you." She chuckled awkwardly, while Y/N just stared, nodding her head slightly.

"Okay, so do you have any pills you need to take? A therapist? Mental institute? Do you need any assistance?" She turned to Flynn, "Are- are you okay too? Does she need first aid or- you know what? Sure, okay." Y/N's slightly confused and slightly panicked suggestions petering out as she takes in the information.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks, his brow furrowing. "Perfectly. So you're telling me, that these 3 people in front of me are dead and that no one else can see them. You know how that sounds, right? It sounds-" "Insane, yeah, we know." Luke interrupts, obviously impatient, "Can you get us a gig here or not?"

"Luke! Chill out, you're getting aggro."



Y/N shook her head and looked up at the group, her gaze turned to Julie and she smiled slightly, "Well, let me see what I can do for you and your ghostly pals. I'll grab Cal for ya, when do you think you could play for us and can you bring your stuff over here to play?" The group turned to each other, bright smiles on their faces.

"Uh, yeah, we can bring our stuff over and we're free anytime."

"Anytime you need us...anytime at all"

"Luke- she gets it" Alex sighed. Y/N looked over at Reggie who had been quiet pretty much the whole time. The sight of him just staring at the break room's coffee table, specifically, the black notebook sitting on its surface, a pen laid on top of it. It had been her mother's but now it belonged to her, she didn't see what was so interesting about the cover but to each their own. He suddenly looked up and their gazes met. He offered a smile which she couldn't help but return.

"Well, if you can leave me some contact info so I can call you back here for your demo that would be perfect." She tore her gaze away from leather jacket boy to address the whole group, "Cal will want to meet you before you leave, I'll grab him for you. Stay here, don't break anything.." Y/N stood up and walked out of the door; as soon as the door shut Flynn and Julie got up and started dancing around, squealing as quietly as they could. The guys started high fiving each other and slapping each other's backs.




"Cal! Get your whole self out here I need to talk to you."

"Okay, okay. Calm down, I'm coming."

Y/N blew some baby hairs out of her face and leaned against the kitchen counter. The staff around her were used to the unorthodox way the waitress and the manager interacted, none of their relationships were in the slightest bit professional, more like a family.

Cal walked into the room, his red face glistening in sweat, "Alright, you got me, now what do you want? I've got orders piling up and I still need to find some entertainment for Friday." Y/N smiled at him, ready to bring out the puppy eyes if necessary, "I can solve your entertainment problem. I've got a band who wants to play here, they're free to play a demo for you at any time. What do you say?"

Cal raised an eyebrow and wiped the sweat on his brow, "Really? I'm busy right now but can you tell them to come round tomorrow? We're closed in the afternoon to install a new oven so it should be the best time for them to play here." Y/N nods, her smile growing, "Thanks, Cal. I'll let them know. You're the best!" She said, walking out of the kitchen.

She walked over to the door, waiting outside for a second to adjust herself, and rid the smile from her face. Afterall, Y/N is a performer, might as well utilise those acting skills.

She walked into the room somberly, her gaze on the floor before she finally looks up at the group. The hope and excitement was evident in their eyes, she almost couldn't bring herself to do it. Almost.

"So, what did he say?"

"Did he say yes?"

"Should I bring extra jackets?"

"Did he say when? What do we do?"

"Should I make flyers? I am the whole marketing team so-"

"Guys! Let her talk!"

Y/N smiled at Julie slightly before letting out a sigh, "He, uh- I'm sorry. I-"

"Oh my god, he said no?"

"Wait, why?"

"Who cares why we shouldn't have asked in the first place, we should just play for him anyway."

"Pump your breaks, Rockstar. This isn't like it was when I was trying to get back into the program."

"Well, this sucks."

At that point, Y/N burst out laughing causing the group to stare at her in confusion. "You guys are too easy. He said yes, come back tomorrow afternoon. Bring everything you can. We have a drum kit here so don't worry about that."



"We knew that. We were just getting you back."

Y/N rolled her eyes, her smile widening. "Sure. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing you play." Reggie raised a brow in surprise, "I thought you said Cal and a few performers? Why would you be there?" Alex turned to him, the look on his face was incredulous, "Have you not been listening to anything that's been happening? She literally is a performer."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

Y/N laughed and turned to Flynn, "You know, we usually have some staff make flyers and advertise the bands that are performing here but if they get in do you think you could? You know their brand better than we do." Flynn smiled brightly, she sometimes felt left out of the band stuff, not being able to see ¾ of the group and all. "I'd love to, I am the marketing team and self-appointed manager so it's part of my job description."

Julie laughed, "Self-appointed maybe but you're the one finding us most of our gigs so I think it's pretty official at this point." Y/N smiled, "Well, I've been away from work for a bit too long. I hope you can let yourselves out. If you need anything Sam will be your person. I hope you enjoyed your time here and I'll see you tomorrow." She got up and headed to the door for the final time.

"I'll be seeing you guys soon, make it perfect and blow my mind."

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