Chapter 4

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Anthony washed the dishes, humming to himself as Ian was staring hard at the table, clearly trying to remeber something. "Anthony? Did we ever record making breakfast?" Anthony looked surprised. "Yeah, we did." Ian frowned. "Why?" "For our Youtube channel, Smosh." Ian raised his eyebrows. "Smosh." Ian said it, feeling it roll off his tounge easily. So this was a word he used often. Anthony went back to washing the dishes as Ian tried to think of why he would use such an odd word. Anthony finished washing the dishes and dried his hands, throwing the towel back onto the counter and plopped on the sofa with his laptop. He pulled out the camera and popped the memory chip out, inserting it into the laptop. Ian watched with interest, draping himself over Anthony's shoulder. Anthony secretly liked the warmth, as he uploaded the vlog to Youtube. "What's youtube?" Ian asked, as Anthony sighed. "It's an online website where people post videos, and other people can watch them. People who do so are called "Youtubers". We are Youtubers. The third most subscribed, at that." Ian looked at him blankly. "People who subscribe basically watch us daily, and they make sure they get alerts when we post videos." Ian continued to stared blankly at Anthony. "Never mind!" Anthony shut his laptop. "Let's just go out to eat somewhere." Ian followed Anthony, his mind churning. Somehow the word Smosh floated to mind when youtube was mentioned, but he couldn't quite place it.

-At some ice-cream store-

Ian swirled his spoon around his ice-cream, happily slurping the cold desert. Anthony looked stressed, barley touching his ice-cream. "Dude, what's wrong now? All I've ever seen you do is mope." Ian sighed. Anthony looked up at him. "What if I don't find the trigger word? What if you're stuck like this forever!?" Ian tapped his chin. "Is that everything? 'Cause I wouldn't mind, since I'm here with my best freind and that's all that matters." He reached over, picking up Anthony's spoon and scooping up some of the melting ice-cream. "Open up!" Anthony accepted the scoop, touched by Ian's words. Never had Ian been so sweet like that. Ian grinned, and for the first time Anthony noticed how...cute it looked. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness, as he lifted the spoon again. "Choo-choo!" Anthony smiled as he opened his mouth this time, swallowing the cold, soft, mixture. He closed his eyes as he savored the flavor of the ice-cream. Why did it suddenly taste so much sweeter? Anthony felt bad about lashing out earlier at Ian. "Ian, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't be so unhappy, since I'm here with you. At least we didn't die from the car crash..." He felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders, a light breath tickling his neck. Anthony opened his eyes, quickly blinking back tears. "It's my fault. I should have been watching the road instead of the camera." Ian leaned up a little, whispering in Anthony's ear. "I remebered one thing from high school that really stood out..."

" told me you were gay."

Forgotten Love ~ IanthonyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang