Chapter 1

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"Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Lunchtime with Smosh!" Ian yelled happily into the camera, as Anthony pressed on the brakes slightly at the red light. "What are we getting today, Anthony?" Anthony smiled at the camera, looking away from the road for a moment. "We're getting American food!" Ian turned the camera back to himself. "Why do people even call it American food? More like, "Food Stolen From All Around the World" food." Anthony laughed at Ian's silly interpretation. Ian kept babbling into the camera as he focused more on the road, stopping at a red light. Suddenly a random car came screeching out from around a curb, just as the light turned green, and smashed into Ian's side of the car. "IAN!" An airbag blew up in Anthony's face, as he tasted blood in his mouth and his head snapped back. He'd accidentally bitten his tounge, as he struggled with his seatbelt, which had scratched his neck raw, and managed to push himself out of the car. He jumped over the destroyed car hood to see the driver of the other car getting out, an old man that cursed "them reckless children drivers! No respect!" then hobbled away. Anthony jerked open the car door, then immediately coughed at the smoke that was coming out from the engine inside. Blood stained the airbag as Anthony popped it, and quickly pulled his best friend out. He seemed okay, but he was holding the camera in a way that when the airbag popped out the camera hit him pretty hard in the head. He was unconscious, but seemed to be breathing okay. With shaking fingers Anthony pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1.

-At the Hospital-

"There. All better?" Anthony rubbed his neck where the doctor had cleaned and then wrapped with a bandage. 'What's with people always acting like we're little kids?' Anthony wondered. "Yeah. Thanks Dr. Drew Peacock." (Remeber that video?) The doctor got up and paced across the floor. "You're a very lucky young man, especially being the driver of the car accident you were in. However, your boyfriend is in a rather...different situation."Anthony stared at the doctor. "Um...he's not my boyfriend." The doctor ignored him. "That camera he was holding hit him in the head hard enough that he may have lost some of his memory. You're going to have to be easy, and nice to him, and try to help him regain those memories." Anthony was staring at the doctor dumb-struck. Ian lost him memory? Will he even remeber Anthony? As if to answer his thought, the doctor smiled. "If he doesn't remeber you, you'll still be a familiar face to him. It will help comfort him." Anthony was trying to process this thought as a nurse burst in. "Doctor! The patient Ian Hecocks is awake!" Anthony mentally facepalmed. "It's Hecox. Can I see him?"

The nurse smiled flirtatiously at him. "Of course, sweetie."

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