Chapter 2

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The blank, white halls were eerie and quiet, only the gentle beeps of machines and Anthony's own footsteps to be heard. He followed the nurse down to the very last door, where she opened the door and brought Anthony inside. Ian was laying on a hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. "Sweetie, your boyfriend's here to see you!" Anthony rolled his eyes. "For the last time, he is NOT my boyfriend."

The nurse pinched Anthony's cheek. "Have fun!" Ian rubbed his head, forcing himself to sit up. "I have a boyfriend?" He asked confusedly, looking at Anthony. Anthony shook his head. "Remeber me?" Ian stared at Anthony a long time, as if he was trying to place him. He finally gave up. "No, I can't. But you look familiar." Anthony sighed. "I'm Anthony. Your best friend since sixth grade?" Ian was looking at Anthony weirdly. "There was a car accident...I think you were driving. Where were you driving to?" Anthony opened his mouth to reply when the doctor and the nurse returned. The nurse handed Anthony two rolls of bandages, as the doctor helped Ian up. Ian's hand went up to his head, to ruffle his hair a little bit. "Thanks." Ian slid on his shoes and looked blankly at Anthony. "Just help him. I'm sure there's some kind of keyword that will jog his memory. There usually is for everyone." The doctor smiled. "Ian, make sure your boyfriend doesn't get into any more accidents!" Anthony shook his head as he walked out of the room, with Ian following blankly. "Are you sure you're not my boyfriend? I'm gay?" Anthony called for a taxi. "Whatever, dude." He was tired and his tongue hurt from talking so much while it was bloated.

-Two Hours Later-

Anthony sighed as he looked in the bathroom mirror of their shared Smosh house. Ian was just kind of walking around and touching stuff. He exited and shut the door. "Dude, seriously?! You've been walking around for hours!" Ian jumped up. "S-sorry!" Anthony suddenly felt bad yelling at Ian. "Just...try not to be so derpy, okay? You're scaring me." Ian plopped on the couch. "Everything seems like I should know what it is and I don't. It's so frustrating."He messed around his hair again. "And it feels like I have a bowl on my head." Anthony suppressed a laugh. "Dude, you wanted that haircut!" Ian laughed at himself, and for a moment everything almost seemed normal. Until the throbbing on his neck cruelly reminded him Ian didn't know what he was talking about. Anthony stood up. "Well, I'm gonna hit the sack. Night!" Ian smiled at him, as he also got up. Anthony went into his room and pulled out their spare camera, and began recording a short vlog. "Hey guys, so while recording an episode of Lunchtime with Smosh there was a car accident, and Ian's probably brain-damaged and lost his memory or something. So until I fix his ass, we're gonna temporarily stop the Smosh videos. Sorry about that, but we're at least still alive! Bye!" Anthony stopped the recording and let the fake smile slide off his face. He tossed the camera onto the table, then lay down on his bed. He flicked off the light, then snuggled in his blankets and closed his eyes.

A thin stream of light came into the room as the door opened.


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